Sunday 5 November 2017

Forex Kauppa Huone Michael Stormont

Suulliset vastaukset kysymyksiin. Valtiosihteeriä pyydettiin. Energiahankinta.1 Miss Anne McIntosh Thirsk ja Malton Con Mitä viimeaikaisia ​​keskusteluja hänellä on ollut ensimmäisen ministeriön kanssa energian toimittamisesta Skotlannissa ja jos hän tekee lausunnon 907627. Skotlannin ulkoministeri Alistair Carmichael Olen säännöllisesti keskustellut kollegoiden kanssa skotlannin energia-alan kysymyksistä, muun muassa Skotlannin hallituksen kanssa energiahuollon kysymyksistä. Pohjois-Yorkshiressä asuvat McIntosh-ihmiset ovat kiinnittäneet suurta kiinnostusta siihen, että Skotlannin hallitus on kieltänyt Fracking tällä hetkellä My oikea ystäväni päivittää talon etenemistä kohti energiahuollon keskustelua paitsi Skotlannissa, mutta koko Yhdistyneelle kuningaskunnalle. Carmichael My hon Friendin avainsanat olivat tällä hetkellä Skotlannin hallitus Esitän lykkäyksen ja olen varma, että kaikki katsomme kiinnostuneena keskustelusta, muistutan hänelle ja parlamentille, että olemme poistaneet Skotlannin Että öljy - ja kaasusuoritteiden etsintäoikeus siirretään Skotlannin lain nojalla, joka tulee seuraavien vaalien jälkeen. Mies Brian H Donohoe Keski-Ayrshire-laboratorio Kun ulkoministeri tapaa ensimmäisen ministeriön, Saako hän tietoa siitä, että tämä ei ole julkisessa areenassa siitä, kuinka paljon korvauksia Skotlannissa tuulivoimaloille maksetaan hänen ja sähkölaskujemme takia, että he ovat mielestäni tehottomia. Mr Carmichael Olen varma Että jos herra Gentleman haluaa, että tiedot oikeasta kunnioituksestani, energian ja ilmastonmuutoksen valtiosihteeri, tulevat esille. Charles Kennedy Ross, Skye ja Lochaber LD Olen varma, että valtiosihteeri, Saarivaltio MP, jakaa vihan ja epäoikeudenmukaisuuden tunteen.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 300.SSE s 2p lisämaksu sähkön kustannuksista, koska se teki viime vuonna 1,5 miljardin voiton Onko hän tehnyt kaiken mahdollisen Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa Elinmääritellä tätä tilannetta, etenkin vahvistamalla Espresson ja Journalin erinomaisen kampanjan. Carmichael Minulla ei ole vaikeuksia hyväksyä kampanjan, jonka The Press and Journal käsittelee. Kysymys siitä, että sähkön kuluttajat maksavat koko Vuoret ja saaret ovat monimutkaisia, mutta tiedän, että me kaikki hyötyisimme osana laajempaa Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan energiamarkkinoita. Angus Robertson Moray SNP Skotlannin generaattorit, mukaan lukien Longannet, tarjoavat 12 sähköä menee Britannian verkkoon, mutta maksaa 35 Veljet Sihteeri on ollut hallituksessa viisi vuotta Mitä hän on tehnyt tämän syrjinnän lopettamiseksi? Carmichael Hon Gentleman on hyvin tietoinen siitä, että lähetysmaksut ovat Ofgemin vastuulla, energiamarkkinoiden sääntelyviranomainen Hän on myös tietoinen työstä Että Ofgem on tehnyt energia-alan muiden osien suhteen Project TransmiT. Angus Robertsonin kanssa Viime viikolla ensimmäinen ministeri kirjoitti pääministerille Tästä aiheesta, kysyvät. Että Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan hallitus käynnistää Skotlannin erityiskapasiteetin arvioinnin sidosryhmien näkemysten mukaan ja ryhtyy toimiin siirtääkseen Skotlannin parlamentille valtuudet asettaa omat kansalliset luotettavuusstandardinsa sähköä varten. Kun Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta ei ole lopettanut syrjiviä lähetysmaksuja, Valtioneuvosto suostuu näihin kohtuullisiin ehdotuksiin. Carmichael Hon herrasmies ja ensimmäinen ministeri ovat molemmat tietoisia siitä, että National Gridilla on jatkuvasti energiahuoltoa. Skotlannin järjestelmäsektoreilla on stressitestattu 140 skenaariota, joissa Longannet ja muut skotlantilaiset fossiiliset polttoaineet Generaattorit suljettiin, ja National Gridillä on työkalut, joilla valot syttyvät kaikissa näissä skenaarioissa, mukaan lukien kestävyys 600-vuotisen riskin vastaisesti. Nämä ovat tosiasioita, ja ne ovat mieluummin sellaista Kuulemme kansallisilta. Puheenjohtaja Olemme paremmin tietoisia, olen varma. Mr Philip Hollobone Kettering Con But on sihteeri Että Skotlannin ja Englannin välinen sähköliitäntäkapasiteetti riittää, eikä se toimi jarruttavana kilpailuna tarjonnan ja markkinoiden tuottamisessa. Carmichael Tämä on juuri sellaista työtä, joka kuuluu kansallisen verkon piiriin Ja Ofgem. Sandra Osborne Ayr, Carrick ja Cumnock Lab Olen nostanut monta kertaa vaalipiirissään olevien hylättyjen hiilikaivosten tuhoa Valtiosihteeri on tietoinen ehdotuksesta vapauttaa hiilidioksidipäästötuki, mikä auttaisi suuresti niiden palauttamista Ja luoda 1 000 työpaikkaa Voiko meiltä odottaa hyviä uutisia talousarviosta ja onko hän samaa mieltä siitä.25 helmikuu 2015 Kolumni 301. Skotlannin hallituksen pitäisi astua levyyn osittain 500 miljoonan ylijäämänsä avulla palauttamaan. Mr Carmichael Ensinnäkin olen iloinen voidessani osoittaa kunnioitusta herrasmiehelle, joka on ollut halventava taistelija vaalipiiriensa eduille tässä suhteessa. Mitä talousarviossa on, pelkään, että kuten t Hän joutuu odottamaan ja näkemään, vaikka voin vakuuttaa hänelle, että osastani on edelleen mukana tässä asiassa. Jatkamme tiiviissä yhteistyössä Skotlannin hallituksen kanssa niiden yhteisen työryhmän kanssa, joka seuraavaksi kokoontuu maaliskuussa. Skotlannin alivaltiosihteeri edustaa Ison-Britannian hallitusta tässä tilanteessa. Rajat ylittävä kauppa.2 Guy Opperman Hexham Con Mitä arvioita hän on tehnyt mahdollisesta vaikutuksesta rajatylittävään kauppaan Pohjois-Englannin ja raja-alueen välillä Skotlannin komission ehdotukset 907628. Skotlannin valtiosihteeri Alistair Carmichael Kansanäänestyksen selkeän äänestyksen seurauksena kaupan esteita ei ole vieläkään koko Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa Mitään ehdotusluonnoksen muutoksista Guy Opperman Onko valtiosihteeri samaa mieltä siitä, että kaikkien poliittisten puolueiden on tultava yhdessä varmistamaan, että Koillis-Newcastlen kaltaisilla lentoasemilla on lentomatkustajamyyntitukea, jotta he eivät ole u Jotka ovat epäedullisessa asemassa Smithin komission ehdotusten kanssa. Carmichael vakuutan ystäväni, että Smithin komission ehdotusten perusperiaate on se, ettei mikään Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan osa ole haitaksi, mikä Skotlannin kansa äänesti 18. syyskuuta Tietenkin on vielä nähtävissä, mitä tapahtuu APD: n tasolle sen jälkeen, kun se on siirretty, mutta hänen on syytä suhtautua myönteisesti siihen, että periaate on jo vakiintunut, että vaihtelevat hinnat ovat Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa mahdollisia. Olisi hyvä neuvotella valtiovarainministerin kanssa tässä suhteessa. Angus Brendan MacNeil Na h-Eileanan ja Iar SNP Jos Smithin toimeksiantaja oli uskollinen kuuluisaan lupaukseen ja hänellä oli parhaat osapuolet, , Onko valtiosihteeri miettimättä, että edut Pohjois-Englannissa ja Skotlannissa olisivat olleet suurempia. Herra Carmichael Tiedän, että se vahingoittaa herrasmiestä ja aiheuttaa hänelle aitoa kipua, b Että hänen on hyväksyttävä tämä ennemmin tai myöhemmin, jotta hän voisi niin hyvin päästä ja hyväksyä sen nyt, että Smithin valiokunta on antanut luvansa. Sen vuoksi hänen puolueensa allekirjoitti sen, vaikka, Näin ollen Skotlannin kansallinen puolue ei voinut mennä pois sitoumuksistaan ​​nopeasti. Michael Moore Berwickshire, Roxburgh ja Selkirk LD Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan yhtenäismarkkinat ovat elintärkeitä kalanjalostajille ja maataloustuottajille.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 302. Berwickshire, Jedburghin vaateripustimet ja Hawickin maailmanluokan neulevaatevalmistajat, niin myös oikea ystäväni on samaa mieltä siitä, että yksi Smithin pääkomission tärkeimmistä saavutuksista oli tuoda lisää valtuuksia Skotlantiin, mutta säilyttää kyseisen singlen Market. Mr Carmichael Kyllä, ehdottomasti olen erityisen nauttinut liittymästä oikeaan ystäväni äskettäin hänen vaalipiirissäan ja oppimassa hänestä paitsi haasteista myös neulomatkailun mahdollisuuksista, joita tiedän Että kyseinen teollisuus on erittäin tärkeä alueen taloudelle ja hän on ollut merkittävin mestari vuosien varrella. Russell Brown Dumfries ja Galloway Lab Skotlannin paikallisviranomaisilla on ilmeistä innokkuutta lähentää kauppaa Yhteydet niiden vastakohtaan Pohjois-Englannissa, koska Skotlannin asioiden valiokunnan työstä ilmenee, että valtiosihteeri aikoo tehdä yhteistyötä Skotlannin hallituksen kanssa varmistaakseen, että raja-alueet pystyvät hyödyntämään täysimääräisesti potilaansa. Carmichael Indeed Olen hyvin tietoinen raja-aloitteiden työstä ja olen enemmän kuin mielellään mukana sen kanssa millään tavalla, jonka se pitää hyödyllisenä. Se on ollut hyvin paljon lähestymistapa, jota olen ryhtynyt Skotlannin saarten yhteisillä alueilla Länsi-saarilla, Orkneyn ja Shetlannin saaristomme Tulevaisuuden kampanjaamme ehdotan, että tämän hallituksen halukkuus palauttaa Skotlannin yhteisöihin on erittäin suotuisa Mikä on ristiriidassa SNP: n hallituksen kanssa Edinburghissa, jotka näyttävät olevan päättäneet keskittää kaiken. Luotettava palkka3 Jim Sheridan Paisley ja Renfrewshire North Lab Mitä keskusteluja Skotlannin hallituksen kanssa käytännön toimista kannustaa työnantajia maksamaan elinkustannus 907629. Parlamentaarinen Skotlannin alivaltiosihteeri David Mundell Olen säännöllisesti keskustellut Skotlannin hallituksen kanssa erilaisista työllisyyskysymyksistä Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan hallitus tukee yrityksiä, jotka haluavat maksaa elinkustannuksen, jos se on kohtuuhintaista eikä maksa työtä. Jim Sheridan kiitän Ministeri vastauksesta, joka tuntuu jonkin verran mielekkäämpää eikä kunnianhimoiselta Hän on tietoinen siitä, että Holyroodin skotlantilainen hallitus kieltäytyi tukemasta työpaikkaa Skotlannissa esittämästä elävästä palkasta. Se noudattaa paikallisen työvoimani esimerkkiä - valvottu Renfrewshire-neuvosto, joka ei ole pelkästään ottanut käyttöön elävää palkkaa, mutta käytti hankintaprosessia kannustaakseen Jotta he voisivat maksaa elävät palkat. David Mundell On olemassa erinomaisia ​​esimerkkejä paikallisviranomaisista, jotka tekevät aloitteita elävän palkkansa kanssa, ja Etelä-Lanarkshiren neuvosto on yksi. Ehkä Honing Gentleman kuuli puheen, jonka kollegani Ruth Davidson teki Skotlannin konservatiiviselle konferenssille Perjantaina, jolloin hän pyysi apua ja.25 helmikuu 2015 Kolumni 303. tukea yrityksiä, jotka edistävät elävää palkkaa toivon, että Skotlannin työvoima ja Skotlannin hallitus tukevat häntä tässä suhteessa. Gomma Doyle West Dunbartonshire Lab Co-op A Labour Government Kieltää hyväksikäyttävien nollatuntisopimusten käytön, jolloin ihmiset eivät jätä elävää palkkaa, mutta eivät kykene elämään vähimmäispalkalla. Miksi tämä hallitus ei tee samaa. David Mundell Hon Lady unohtaa, että siellä oli Tosiasiassa työvoimavaltuuskunta jopa viisi vuotta sitten, joka ei ryhtynyt minkäänlaisiin toimiin nollatunteina. Tämä hallitus on kieltänyt yksinoikeuden nollatunteina. Eads hyödyntämiseen. Margaret Curran Glasgow East Lab Tämä hallitus on jatkuvasti väittänyt uusista työpaikoista, jotka on luotu Skotlannissa viimeisimmistä vaaleista näistä uusista työpaikoista, mikä osuus on ollut alhaisen palkkatason industries. David Mundell Koska tämä hallitus tuli Skotlannissa on syntynyt 107 työpaikkaa päivässä. Pelkään, että herrasmies on menettänyt muistin, koska hän ei muista työpaikan asemaa, kun tämä hallitus valloitettiin, eikä hän voi hyväksyä uutta uutisten luomista Jobs. Margaret Curran Muistan, että työhallitus toteutti vähimmäispalkkaa konservatiivipuolueen vastaisesti. House of Commons - kirjaston uuden tutkimuksen mukaan 82 uutta työpaikkaa on matalapalkkaisilla aloilla. Uutiset tulevat päiviä sen jälkeen, kun TUC paljasti, että yksi viidestä Skotlannin työntekijästä maksetaan vähimmäispalkan alle. Tänä aamuna kansallisten tilastotoimiston mukaan 28 työntekijää Ovat nollatunteina tehdyt sopimukset Tämä hallitus vetoaa vääriin ihmisiin, koska he auttavat ystäviään, jotka ovat välttäneet veronsa, mutta eivät autna niitä, jotka työskentelevät kovasti ja pelaavat sääntöjen mukaan, mutta eivät edes saavan kunnollista palkkaa Paluu Tuleeko ministeri ryhtymään toimiin siitä, mikä on jäljellä tämän hallituksen viimeisistä päivistä auttaaksemme tavallisia työtä ihmisiä saamaan kohtuullisen palkan, vai onko ainoa toivo siitä, että 71 päivän kuluttua pääsemme eroon tästä hallituksesta ja Saada työväenpuolueen hallituksen, joka asettaa työväenpuolueen ensin. David Mundell Hon Lady voisi aloittaa hyväksymällä Ruth Davidsonin ehdotuksen kannustaa minimipalkan maksamista, ja tämä on itse asiassa tosiasia, ei retoriikka Kuten olen kertonut Hon Lady: lle Jos hänellä on todisteita siitä, että heille ei makseta vähimmäispalkkaa, hänen pitäisi tuoda se eteenpäin. Eilen hallitus teki jotain, jota työväenopisto ei koskaan nimitti ja häpeillyt 70 yritystä, joista osa on Skotlannissa, jotka eivät maksa Vähimmäispalkka Mitä hän tulee juhlimaan, on se, että tämä hallitus on toimittanut 107 työpaikkaa päivässä Skotlannissa, joista 1 645 on vaalipiirissäan, mikä näkyy työnhakijan korvausvaatimusten pudotuksesta.25 Helmikuu 2015 Sarake 304. Perhe Verot. 4 Dame Anne McGuire Stirling Lab Mitä skotlantilaisten hallituksen Skotlannin ministereiden kokouksissa käydyt keskustelut koskivat Skotlannissa 907630. Skotlannin valtiosihteeri Alistair Carmichael Osana Skotlannin lakien 2012 täytäntöönpanoprosessia Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan hallituksen ministereillä on On ollut yhteydessä skotlantilaisiin hallituksen ministereihin keskustellakseen verotuksista, mukaan lukien kiinteistöverot, tämän vuoden alusta. Vanhempi Anne McGuire Haluan rohkaista valtiosihteeriä olemaan hieman tulevampi ja jakamaan parlamentin kanssa näkemyksensä siitä, onko Revenue Scotland On valmis kiinteistöveron siirtämiseen huhtikuussa. Carmichael Oikea herrasmies ymmärtää epäröimäni, kun sanon, että meidän on otettava Scott Heidän on varmistettava, että he ovat valmiita ja olemme tehneet kaiken mahdollisen voimamme auttaaksemme heitä. Jos olisi ilmennyt muita vaikeuksia, joita ei ole vielä ennakoitu tai paljastettu, teemme kaikkemme, jotta voimme varmistaa Että järjestelmä toimii. Fiona O Donnell Itä-Lothian Lab Katsooko SNP: n hallitukselle, että maa-alueet ja rakennukset ovat transaktioveroa huolestuttavana tai vilpittömimpänä TartanTories-mallina. Carmichael mielestäni on Melko huomattava Koko hajauttamisen kohta on antaa Skotlannin hallitukselle tehdä asiat eri tavalla Vuoden 2012 lakiin siirretään leimaveroa maanviljelijöiksi He esittivät jotakin muuta, kunnes tämä hallitus otti käyttöön uuden järjestelmän, ennen kuin me tiesimme, että heillä oli Muutti seuraamaan mitä muualla Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa tapahtui. Työohjelman työtulojen maksut.6 Sheila Gilmore Edinburgh East Lab Minkä osan osallistujasta Skotlannin työohjelman Skotlannissa työtehtävät on suoritettu kyseisen ohjelman tarjoajille 907632. Skotlannin parlamentaarinen alivaltiosihteeri David Mundell Work - ohjelman osanottajat ovat joitakin vaikeimpia auttaakseen ja voivat kokea useita esteitä työn löytämiseksi Ovat kaksi palveluntarjoajaa Skotlannissa Ingeus on tukenut 21 2 kaikkia hakijoita työn tulokseksi ja Working Links on tukenut 20 4 hakijaa työn tulokseen. Sheila Gilmore Työohjelma on tehnyt huonompi Skotlannissa kuin missään Englannin alueella Sillä välin, Menestyksekkäitä paikallisia hankkeita, kuten vaalipiirini Engine Shed ovat joutuneet sulkemaan. Onko ministeri yksimielinen siitä, että valtuudet olisi siirrettävä mahdollisimman nopeasti eikä vain Skotlannin parlamenttiin vaan paikallisviranomaisiin.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 305.David Mundell olen täysin samaa mieltä siitä, että Engine Shed oli suuri projekti, jonka olen tehnyt selväksi varapääministerille, että jos ehdotuksia esitellään Työohjelman hajauttamista koskeva vaalio, joka on erillään muista luovutettavista asioista, olisin avoin mielestäni siitä. Mary Macleod Brentford ja Isleworth Con Tämän hallituksen ansiosta työohjelman piiriin osallistuneita ei ole tarpeen Maksaa tulovero ensimmäisten 10 000 ansaitsemiensa tulojen perusteella Onko ministeri yksimielinen siitä, että tämä edustaa kohti taloudellista kasvua Skotlannissa ja mahdollisuuksia nuorille. David Mundell Ehdottomasti Skotlannissa noin 32 620 henkilöä on löytänyt työtä työohjelman kautta, mikä tarkoittaa, että he voivat tuoda Kotiin palkkaa, tukea heidän perheitään ja olla osa heidän laajempaa yhteisöä. Eilidh Whiteford Banff ja Buchan SNP Mitkä tahansa toimenpideohjelma on ollut epäonnistuminen Se on hukannut julkisia varoja ja laskenut ihmisiä riippuen siitä milloin hallitus Kuuntele Smith-valiokunnan lisäksi myös kymmeniä Skotlannin kansalaisyhteiskunnan järjestöjä, jotka ovat vaatineet työllisyystukea, jotta Voi kehittää integroitua järjestelmää Skotlannissa, joka todella toimii. David Mundell En usko, että 32 620 ihmistä, jotka ovat löytäneet työtä työohjelman kautta, olisi samaa mieltä Hon Ladyin arvion kanssa Nyt on aika puolueensa esittää ehdotuksensa Vaihtoehtoa työohjelmaan eikä pelkästään kritisoida hallitusta ja pyytää suurempaa valtaa. Tämä hallitus on sitoutunut tekemään siirtymisen tällaiseen ohjelmaan, mutta meidän on ensin tiedettävä, mitä se tulee. 907637 Jim McGovern Dundee West Lab Työohjelma on ilmeisesti epäonnistunut vaalipiirissäni ja koko Dundeen kaupungissa, jossa vain yksi seitsemästä osallistujasta todella saa työtä Mitä ministeri tekee ratkaistakseen tämän ongelman. David Mundell Olen täysin samaa mieltä siitä, että hon Gentleman On ollut kiihkeä kampanjansa tästä asiasta ja todellakin työllisyydestä vaalipiirissä, mutta olen varma, että hän on tyytyväinen siihen, että viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana tämän hallituksen Että vaalipiirissä olevat työnhakijamäärärahat ovat laskeneet 842 noin 27,9 907635 Frank Roy Motherwell ja Wishaw Lab Työttömyys Motherwellin, Wishawin ja Bellshillin alueella kasvoi jälleen viime kuussa yli 500 nuorella työttömällä Miksi Tory Työohjelma epäonnistui. David Mundell ehdottomasti kiistää väitteen, jonka mukaan työohjelma on epäonnistunut. Työohjelma näyttää auttavan heikoimmassa asemassa olevia ihmisiä työhön ja ihmiset ovat siirtyneet työhön viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana hon Gentlemanin vaalipiirissä, Jossa JSA: n haastehakijan määrä on laskenut 1 403: lla noin 39. Olen varma, että hän jopa toivottaa heidät tervetulleiksi.25 helmikuu 2015 Kolumni 306.Smith - komissio.7 Christopher Chope Christchurch Con Mikä julkinen kuuleminen hänen osastollaan tekee Skotlannissa ehdotuslausekkeista Joka julkaistiin Smithin komission suosituksen 907633 suositusten mukaisesti. Skotlannin valtiosihteeri Alistair Carmichael Scotlandin virastolla on sarja Skotlannin tapahtumia, jotta sidosryhmät voivat antaa palautetta ehdotuslausekkeista ja siitä, miten uusia voimia voitaisiin käyttää. Voin ilmoittaa parlamentille tänään, että hallitus aloittaa nyt julkisen tiedotuskampanjan, jotta Skotlannissa olevat ihmiset saisivat lisätietoja devoluution ratkaisusta Ja miten se muuttuu Keskeytys Tässä kampanjassa käytetään sosiaalista mediaa, paikallisia tiedotusvälineitä ja tiedotuslehtisiä jokaiselle Skotlannin taloon. Keskeytys. Mr. Puhemiehen järjestys Kamerassa on paljon melua Talo ja ehkä kansakunnan pitäisi kuulla Christopher Chope. Arvoisa Chope Kansakunta haluaisi tietää, että ehdotusluonnos 1 on laajalti tuomittu oikeudellisesti tyhjiksi Mitä valtiosihteeri aikoo tehdä varmistaakseen, että Skotlannin kansa ymmärtää, että se on laillisesti tyhjää ja että jos he tukevat sitä, he Tukee mielettömän perustuslain ehdotusta. Carmichael I ehdottomasti kiistää tämän ehdotuksen ja homo Gentlemanin tämän analyysin luonnehdinnan Koska se on laajalle levinnyt.13 907639 Michael Connarty Linlithgow ja East Falkirk Lab Onko valtiosihteeri nimenomaan keskustellut Smithin sopimuksen mukaisista vaihtelevista verovälineistä, mikä on Skotlannille erinomainen tilaisuus päättää, miten se kohtelee ihmisiä, joilla on erilaiset tulotasot. Saattaa olla erilainen kuin heitä kohdellaan muualla Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa. Carmichael Hon honleman on oikeassa, ja hän ottaa keskustelun suuntaan, jossa se on menossa. On varmasti aika, jolloin meidän ei enää pitäisi keskustella siitä, missä Valtuudet, mutta keskustelemme siitä, mitä voidaan tehdä huomattavilla toimivaltuuksilla, joita kolmannen tehokkain lainsäätäjä missä tahansa maailmassa on näiden ehdotusten tuloksena. Puheenjohtaja Mikä herkullinen valinta kutsun herra Alan Reidille. Alan Reid Argyll ja Bute LD Kiitoksia, herra puhemies, herra House of Lords perustuslakikomitea on sanonut, että ei ole riittävästi ajateltu vaikutusta, jonka mukaan 16 ja 17-vuotiaiden äänestys Toivon, että hallitus hylkää tämän suosituksen ja antaa 16 ja 17-vuotiaille oikeuden sanoa kuka edustaa heitä Skotlannin parlamentissa. Carmichael tunnen, että olen aina pitänyt lordshipssa näkemyksiä erittäin suuressa mielessä, mutta he Ei tavallisesti ole ensimmäinen käyntisatama, jonka tekisin, kun etsin neuvoja joko demokraattisista vaaleista tai nuorista. Järjestys tulee olemaan ennen.25 helmikuu 2015 Kolumni 307. heidän lordships House huomenna illalla olen varma, että se Koska se hyväksyttiin täällä parlamentissa ilman ryhmää. Tom Clarke Coatbridge, Chryston ja Bellshill Lab Koska valtiovalta on jo Skotlannin hallitus, valtiosihteeri on koskaan saanut anteeksipyyntönsä siitä, että he eivät ole käyttäneet 34 Miljoonaa vammaisille lapsille ja heidän perheilleen ja käytä sitä sen sijaan, että ne pitävät neuvoston veroa static. Mr Carmichael On monia, monia asioita, joista Skotlannin hallituksen pitäisi pyytää anteeksi ja epäilen t Hämähäkki, jos nämä anteeksipyynnöt alkavat aina tulla, niin hyvä herrasmies ja minä emme ole listan kärjessä vastaanottamaan heitä. Hän on kuitenkin oikeassa todeta, että neuvoston verotuksen jäädyttäminen on aiheuttanut todellisia vaikeuksia monille Skotlannin paikallisviranomaiset, jotka ovat ylpeitä siitä, että Skotlannin hallitus on jättänyt tänä vuonna vähemmän huomiota. A1 Dualling.8 Sir Alan Beith Berwick-upon-Tweed LD Mitä keskusteluja hän on tehnyt Skotlannin hallituksen ministereiden kanssa koordinoinnista Ohjelmiin, joilla on kaksi A1907634-ohjelmaa. Skotlannin parlamentaarinen alivaltiosihteeri David Mundell Maantieliikenteen tarjoaminen Skotlannissa on hajautettu asia Liikenneministerien ministeriö on kuitenkin tarjoutunut työskentelemään liikenteen Skotlannin kanssa yhteisestä toteutettavuustutkimuksesta kaksitahoisuudesta A1 Skotlannin hallitus päätti olla ottamatta tätä tarjousta. Sir Alan Beith Nyt, kun tämä koalitiohallitus on sitoutunut 290 miljoonaan euroon A1: n hajottamiseksi rajalla Englannin puolella, ei pitäisi Skotlannin SNP-hallitus esittää suunnitelmia kahta jäljelle jäävää yksittäistä ajoradan osaa rajan Skotlannin puolelle. David Mundell Olen samaa mieltä oikean ystävän kanssa. Hän tuntee, että kollegani John Lamont MSP on tehnyt täsmälleen tämän kutsun. Perth ja North Perthshire SNP Koska odotamme A1: n hajoamista, ministeri kuuli keskimääräisten nopeuskamerojen menestyksestä A9-onnettomuuksissa, jotka on leikattu 97: llä, ylinopeus on laskenut 90: lle ja tien kokemus on täysin muuttunut. Hän saa nyt oikean kunniaan Ystäväsi pääsihteerin valtiovarainministeriö luopumaan halaamattomasta ja vastuutonta kampanjastaan ​​ottaa nämä kamerat alas ja asettaa vaalipiirit uudelleen vaaraan. Mr Kaiutinjärjestys Mielestäni olin hyvin antelias Hon honleman alkoi pudistella noin A9, eikä A1, mutta annamme hänet pois tässä tilaisuudessa. David Mundell Se on pahempi, herra puhuja. Kuuntelemme jatkuvasti herra Gentlemanin valituksia tästä paikasta. Skotlannin parlamentin asioihin, mutta hän herättää kysymyksen, joka on yksinomaan Skotlannin parlamentin vastuulla.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 308.Englanti äänestää englantilaista lakia.10 Herra Turner Isle of Wight Con Mitä keskusteluja hänellä on ollut Ministeriöiden kollegoiden kanssa mahdollisista seurauksista Skotlannin englantilaisille äänestyksille englantilaisista laeista 907636. Skotlannin valtiosihteeri Alistair Carmichael On selvää yhteisymmärrystä siitä, että muutos on tarpeen perustuslaillisten järjestelyiden poikkeavuuksien korjaamiseksi, mutta yksimielisyyttä siitä, minkä muodon Tämä muutos on toteutettava. Ratkaisun on oltava tasapuolinen kaikkiin Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan osiin ja vahvistettava kansojen perheiden välisiä yhteyksiä, jotka äskettäin vahvistettiin Skotlannin kansanäänestyksessä. Herra Turner Kiitän ministeriä tästä vastauksesta. Hän on samaa mieltä siitä, että useimmat Skotlannit, Toisin kuin työväenpuolueen jäsenet, tunnustavat parlamentin jäsenten epäoikeudenmukaisuuden Westminsterissä, joka vaikuttaa englantilaisiin kouluihin, Englannin terveyteen ja englantilaisiin neuvostoihin nyt Nämä asiat on siirretty Englannista Skotlantiin. Mr Carmichael mielestäni olen jo myöntänyt, että perustuslaillisissa järjestelyissämme on olemassa huomattavia poikkeamia, varoitan herra Gentlemania siitä, että olen liian innostunut korvaamaan nämä poikkeavuudet sellaisilla, jotka voisivat olla jopa Isompi. Prime-ministeri. Pääministeriä pyydettiin. Q1 907692 John Woodcock Barrow ja Furness Lab Co-op Jos hän laatii viralliset sitoumuksensa keskiviikkona 25. helmikuuta. Pääministeri David Cameron Tänä aamuna minulla oli tapaamisia ministeriöiden kollegojen ja muiden kanssa Parlamentin tehtävieni lisäksi minulla on vielä tällaisia ​​kokouksia myöhemmin. John Woodcock Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan tuki Ukrainassa on tervetullutta, mutta yhdistetyt toimet presidentti Putinin paljaalle hyökkäykselle ovat valitettavasti puuttuneet. Kun pääministeri lähtee toimistosta 70 päivässä, Hän pitää sisällään historiallisen paikkansa pääministerinä, jonka heikkous on jättänyt Britanniassa ristissä vuosina ristiriitaa. Prime Mi Nister Parlamentin lopulla uskon, että hallituksen jäsenet voivat olla ylpeitä siitä, että olemme sulkeneet työväenpuolutamme jättämänsä puolustusbudjetin massiivisen mustan aukon. Voimme olla ylpeitä siitä, että näemme Voyager-lentokoneita lentäen Brize Nortonista Voimme olla ylpeitä siitä, että rakennamme kaksi lentotukialusta. Voimme olla ylpeitä siitä, että meillä on Type 45 - hävittäjät. Voimme olla ylpeitä siitä, että sukellusveneet liikkuvat Hon Gentlemanin vaalipiirissä ja Atlantin meret pitävät maamme turvassa. Sir William Cash Stone Con Viime vuonna oikea ystäväni tuki voimakkaasti Billiani, josta tuli kansainvälinen sukupuolten tasa-arvoa koskeva tasa-arvolaki.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 309.2014 naisten ja tyttöjen suojelemiseksi naisten sukupuolielinten silpomisesta Ja samanlaiset kauhistukset Tarkistukseni vakavasta rikoksesta annettavasta rikoksesta annettavasta mietinnöstä, jolla suojellaan nuoria tyttöjä ja naisia, jotka ovat vaarassa joutua maanviljelijöihin tässä maassa, sai 272 ääntä. Useat tahalliset pidättäytyivät, mutta se oli tappio Kolmen linjan koalitio Whip Seuraavan ministeriön kirjeen jälkeen Raportti-vaiheessa useat asiat eivät olleet ratkaisemattomia. Yritin puuttua asiaan, mutta minulla ei ollut siihen mahdollisuutta. Voiko oikea ystäväni kirjoittaa minulle selittämään, miten nämä nuoret tytöt ja Naiset suojelevat täysin lakin suuntaviivojen mukaisesti ja muutoin. Pääministerin kiitän ystävääni Billille ja kampanjasta, jota hän on käyttänyt Billin hyväksi ja tasa-arvosta siihen, miten toimitamme apua ja tässä elintärkeässä elämässä Alue Mietinnössäni tarkoitetun säädöksen nimenomaisesta kysymyksestä katson, että uskomme, että laadittu lause kattaa sen, että hän on huolissaan siitä, että tietenkin kirjoitan hänelle. Mutta anna minun olla täysin selvää, mielestäni Työtä, jota teemme, jota tuemme parlamentissa, FGM: n ja pakkoavioliiton torjumiseksi ja sen varmistamiseksi, että naisilla on todellisia oikeuksia maassamme ja eri puolilla maailmaa, on erittäin tärkeää. Edward Miliban D Doncaster North Lab Jokainen parlamentin jäsenen maine on vahingoittunut, kun näemme sellaisia ​​ilmoituksia kuin ne, joita meillä on viimeisten kahden päivän aikana. Voinko ottaa sen hallituksen tarkistuksesta tänään toisiin tehtäviin, joita pääministeri ei ehdota Muutettava nykyiseen järjestelmään. Pääministerin jäsen Haluan aloittaa hyväksymällä suurenmoisen herra Gentlemanin kanssa, että alahuoneen kahden erittäin vanhemman jäsenen väitteet ovat äärimmäisen vakavia, ja niitä on tutkittava asianmukaisesti. Uskon, että molemmat jäsenet ovat Tehnyt oikean asian viitaten parlamentin alahuoneen komissaariin ja kun Whip vetäytyi ja tosiaankin eläkkeellä täällä parlamentissa, mielestäni se on äärimmäisen tärkeää. En todellakaan sulje pois muita muutoksia, mutta tärkeintä Voimme tehdä varmistamme, että noudatamme sääntöjä, joita on noudatettu. Lobbaus kielletään estämättömien etujen julistamisesta ja varmistamisesta, että väärinkäytökset tutkitaan ja rangaistaan. O muutos, joka on juuri läpäissyt lobbauslain, ja olemme myös hyväksyneet muistutusta koskevan lain, jotta ihmiset voivat maksaa MP: nsä. Edward Miliband Pääministeri ei sulje pois muutosta, ja hänellä on mahdollisuus äänestää muutoksista tänä iltana. Mitä hän kirjoitti vuonna 2009. Koska hän on parlamentin jäsenen keskeytys. Mr Speaker Order Kysymyksiä kuullaan ja vastauksia kuullaan Se on hyvin yksinkertainen asia, jonka toivon kaikkien ymmärtävän. Edward Miliband Tämä on se, mitä hän kirjoitti Parlamentin jäsenen on oltava kokopäiväinen sitoutuminen. Kansalainen ei ansaitse mitään vähemmän. Kaksoisjohtavat parlamentin jäsenet voittivat katsoa, ​​kun olen vastuussa.25 helmikuu 2015 Sarake 310. Pääministeri Oikea herrasmies sanoo, että meidän on tarkasteltava erityispiirteitä. Hänen erityiskohtelunsa vaikeus on, että se antaisi Esimerkiksi joku on palkattu ammattiyhdistyksen virkamies, mutta se ei salli jokuä harjoittaa perheyritystä tai perheyritystä. Kuten monet hänen ehdotuksensa, sitä ei ajatella sen kautta, vaan se kääntyy hyvin nopeasti. Jos hän ajatteli, että se oli tällainen Hyvä idea, miksi hän ei asettanut sitä käyttöön neljä vuotta sitten. Edward Miliband Olkaamme nyt yhtä mieltä siitä, että suljemme pois kenenkään palkattuun ammattiyhdistyksen virkamieheen, palkattuun johtajaan tai palkattuun konsulttiin. Sano kyllä, ja voimme palauttaa mainetta Täällä parlamentissa keskeytys. Mr Kaiutinjärjestys Herra Efford, rauhoita itseni Pelkäänpä, että olet räjähtänyt, ihminen Ottakaa meidät Meidän täytyy kuulla pääministerin vastaus. Pääministeri Tämä ei ole ainoa ongelma, jolla on oikeus herra Gentlemanin Ehdotus Ehdotan, että otan toisen ehdotuksen ongelman l his cap on earnings Let me take a specific example Interruption I have got as long as it takes. Let me take a very specific example The hon Member for Stoke-on-Trent Central Tristram Hunt , who is Labour s education spokesman, would have last year earned over a 10 cap from being a college lecturer I happen to think that is a very good thing he brings to this House some outside experience, and he tops up that experience I have to say it is a pity it does not show up in his education policy, but none the less, it is a good thing. Fundamentally, there is a disagreement between the right hon Gentleman and me I think Parliament is stronger when we have people with different experiences coming to our House, but we must impose strict rules and punish people when they get it wrong. Edward Miliband We can definitely make progress Let us agree to the principle of a cap, and we can consult on the level of the cap The motion today is very specific about being a paid director or a paid consultant, a nd I have said from the Dispatch Box that we will also ban people who are a paid trade union official, the point the Prime Minister made to me I repeat the offer to him let us get it done, let us agree this to restore the reputation of the House yes or no. The Prime Minister The problem is that the proposal in front of us allows for paid trade union officials, but does not allow for someone who runs a family business I have to say that the problem with the right hon Gentleman s proposal is not just the nature of the proposal there is also a problem with the timing of his proposal He first put it forward two years ago In the previous year I have done some work the person with the highest outside earnings on the Labour side was David Miliband The right hon Gentleman has not thought it through, he has not worked it out, it is totally inconsistent it is like almost every other policy he comes up with.25 Feb 2015 Column 311.Edward Miliband So the Prime Minister is worried about the precise t ext of the motion I am very happy by whatever means we can, perhaps by a manuscript amendment, to insert paid trade union officials He and all his right hon and hon Friends will have the chance in the Lobbies tonight this is a very big test to vote for two jobs or for one I will be voting for one job What will he be voting for. The Prime Minister Where the Leader of the Opposition is absolutely right he put this in his letter to me this week is that. the British people need to know that when they vote they are electing someone who will not be swayed by what they may owe to the interests of others. The biggest problem we have on that front is that the trade union movement owns the Labour party lock, stock and barrel So I make an offer to him if there is no more support from trade unions for the Labour party, then we have got a deal. Edward Miliband If the Prime Minister wants to talk about party funding, let us talk about a party bought and sold by the hedge funds and a man who appointed a self-declared tax avoider as his treasurer that is the Conservative party He has one more chance He talked big in opposition about change He will be judged on the way he votes tonight He should vote for one job, not two Last chance yes or no. The Prime Minister The problem with Members of Parliament being swayed by outside interests is best seen in this one example This is the first Parliament in the history of Britain to pass an Act on lobbying The Labour party has been lobbied by the trade unions to get rid of that Act What have they agreed They have agreed to scrap the lobbying Act That is what they have done They are owned lock, stock and block vote by the trade unions. Mike Crockart Thank you, Mr Speaker, and I thank hon Members for their welcome. I have harangued the Prime Minister on many occasions to do more on nuisance calls, so it is right today that I thank the Government for the announcement that was made on the subject by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport this morning Of course, vulnerable consumers will still be targeted today and tomorrow by vicious scammers, who will pay no heed to the announcement I therefore ask him politely to do all he can to help me set up a national call blocking scheme to protect vulnerable consumers in his constituency and in mine. The Prime Minister I will certainly look at the specific suggestion that the hon Gentleman makes I can announce today that we are changing the law to make it easier to hit companies with fines of up to 500,000 if they.25 Feb 2015 Column 312.pursue nuisance calls That will be welcomed up and down the country I am sure that parties from all parts of the House will be doing a little light telephone canvassing and will be talking to people, but such things should never be done by nagging people or being a nuisance, which is what can happen Proper punishments are being brought in today. Q2 907693 Naomi Long Belfast East Alliance It costs 40 more to train a teacher in Northern Ireland than in England Does the Prime Minister share my concern that, despite commitments to tackle the costs of division in the Stormont House agreement, other parties have blocked Alliance attempts to desegregate teacher training in a way that would save money Does that suggest to him, as it does to me, that their commitments to a shared future are not worth the paper they are written on. The Prime Minister I say to the hon Lady I think we are in absolute agreement on this that we have to break down the barriers between communities That is what the shared future agenda is all about The Stormont House agreement should make that move faster We are beginning to see shared campuses for education institutions in Northern Ireland, but we now need to see the sorts of things that she is talking about, such as shared approaches on teacher training, that can reduce costs and deliver a better service That is what the agreement should be about. Q3 907694 Andrew Stephenson Pendle Con Last Friday, I held my fourth Pendle jobs and apprenticeships fair, which was attended by more than 30 local companies and more than 700 jobseekers Will the Prime Minister congratulate all those who have got jobs or started apprenticeships in Pendle since 2010 Unemployment in Pendle has fallen by 36 in just the last year, showing that our long-term economic plan is working. The Prime Minister I pay tribute to my hon Friend, who works tirelessly to support his constituents I think thes e job fairs that many Members of Parliament have taken part in and run can do a huge amount in making sure that local people can see the opportunities that are being opened up by a successful and growing economy In Pendle, the claimant count has fallen by 54 since the election, with the long-term youth claimant count falling by 50 in the last year alone That shows that, as the OECD itself said yesterday, Britain has a long-term economic plan, it is working, and we should stick to it. Mr Nigel Dodds Belfast North DUP As we have heard, the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition agree that the reputation of politics needs improving, but would the Prime Minister agree that the latest format put forward by the broadcasters for TV election debates will not contribute to that The broadcasters need to realise that these debates are for the benefit of voters as well as themselves, and that the unfair, irrational and legally implausible exclusion of the people of Northern Ireland from th ose debates particularly the DUP, which has more votes and more seats than some parties that are included cannot be justified So will the Prime Minister agree to go back to the broadcasters and.25 Feb 2015 Column 313.demand a rethink on the basis of justice and fairness, so that they come forward with proposals that he and the rest of us can agree to. The Prime Minister I have a lot of sympathy with what the right hon Gentleman says My argument was that you could not include one minor party without another obviously I was referring specifically to the Greens on that occasion, but now, with it having been decided to include Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National party, there does seem to be a difficulty in not addressing the question of the DUP Certainly my party stands in every part of the United Kingdom, so I do think that is important, but I am sure his case will be taken seriously. Q4 907695 Sir Richard Ottaway Croydon South Con Following the Chancellor s significant commitment to Lond on last week to create half a million jobs, build 100,000 new homes and invest 10 billion in transport infrastructure, does the Prime Minister agree that this is not just a long-term economic plan for London but, in stark contrast to other parties, which only offer London a mansion tax, is a commitment to make London the greatest capital city on earth. The Prime Minister My right hon Friend is correct, because this plan for London is about being incredibly ambitious and trying to outpace the growth of New York, adding 6 4 billion to the London economy by 2030 That is what we are trying to do to see a higher growth rate We have created something like half a million extra jobs in London since the election, and we need to keep on with that progress As the OECD said yesterday. The UK is an actual textbook case, or is fast becoming, of best practice of how good labour market and of how good product market reform can support growth and job creation my main message to you today is well done Well done so far But finish the job. It said, You have a long-term economic plan, but you need to stick with it That is the view of the OECD, and that, I believe, should be backed by everyone in our country. Rushanara Ali Bethnal Green and Bow Lab Last week, three young women from my constituency left their homes, travelled to Turkey Interruption. Mr Speaker Order I think we will start this question again The hon Lady has an extremely serious question to ask, and it must be heard by Members on both sides of the House with courtesy. Rushanara Ali Last week, three young women from my constituency left their homes, travelled to Turkey and are now thought to have been smuggled into Syria Their families are devastated I know that the Prime Minister is making every effort to find them and encourage their return Will he set up an urgent inquiry into these events to ensure that families, schools, mosques, youth clubs, internet companies and all agencies are guided on how they can better protect our young people. The Prime Minister The hon Lady is absolutely right to raise this heartbreaking case, which we also discussed in the House on Monday Clearly, anyone.25 Feb 2015 Column 314.who saw the parents on the television talking about their children could not help but be moved by their plight. What I have done is asked the Home Secretary to look urgently, with the Transport Secretary, at all the protocols we have in place about young people and travelling, and at what airlines do and what we can do My understanding is that the police did respond relatively quickly in informing the Turkish authorities, and that what the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister has said about a three-day delay is not accurate, but there are always lessons to learn On this occasion, I suspect the lesso ns will be not just that we can tighten arrangements on aeroplanes and at our borders, but that we all have a responsibility schools, parents, families, communities, universities, colleges to fight this poisonous radicalisation of young people s minds. Q5 907696 David Mowat Warrington South Con Tomorrow, the Minister for Universities, Science and Cities will be in Cheshire to sign our local growth deal It is a deal that will deliver two bridges for Warrington infrastructure that has been much needed for the past 30 years Does the Prime Minister agree that the fact we are finally addressing such infrastructure needs demonstrates a commitment to the north-west that was completely lacking under the previous Government. The Prime Minister I pay tribute to my hon Friend who has campaigned consistently on this issue When I visited his constituency, he showed me the difference that those announcements will make to Warrington South As a result of implementing the Cheshire and Warrington local gr owth deal, we expect to proceed with the construction of a high-level bridge crossing the Manchester ship canal A new high-level crossing from the A56 Chester road will open up a substantial area of land for development immediately south of Warrington town centre That will provide traffic relief, resilience, jobs, homes and livelihoods, which is what our long-term plan is all about. Glenda Jackson Hampstead and Kilburn Lab Why did the Prime Minister deem it appropriate to outsource his response to one of my concerned constituents to a political correspondence manager housed in No 10 Downing street, on paper bearing a Conservative party logo and with contents that referred to a Conservative manifesto and a Conservative Government s legislation It concluded in the hope that they the Conservative party, I presume could rely on my constituent s support for many years to come No Member of the House is permitted to use our parliamentary offices or revenues for political party campaigning No 1 0 Downing street does not become the property of its incumbent s political party, so will the Prime Minister apologise not only to my constituent, but to the country for this gross misuse of national property and revenue. The Prime Minister If a letter was sent from the hon Lady to me to be answered such letters should always be answered by the Prime Minister to other Members of Parliament, and I will look into what happened in that case Let me put on record how hard the correspondence unit works because it gets thousands of letters, including from Members of Parliament, every week of the year I will look into that and ensure that she gets a proper.25 Feb 2015 Column 315.reply from me I say to all those living in Hampstead and Kilburn that they will be getting lots of letters from me in the coming weeks. Q6 907697 Ben Gummer Ipswich Con Last week my right hon Friend launched the franchise competition for rail services in East Anglia, including a demand for state-of-the-art rolling stock He may be aware that some Members of the House want a long review of franchise competitions, leading possibly to a renationalisation of the railways Does he understand the delays and misery that that would cause to commuters and travellers in Ipswich, Norwich, Colchester and up and down the Great Eastern main line if that were ever to happen. The Prime Minister First, I thank my hon Friend for the work that he and other MPs from East Anglia have done to press for better rail services We have a clear view, which is that we want to achieve journey times to Ipswich in 60 minutes and Norwich in 90 minutes, and that is what the reforms are all about. On this day, it is worth saying happy birthday to the shadow Chancellor, given that he always makes quite a lot of noise on the Opposition Benches Part of the aim of this programme, when the right hon Gentleman has plenty of time after the election, is that he will be able to get to see Norwich City in just 90 minutes I think that is only fair he gives me a birthday present every week, so I thought I would give him one today. Q7 907698 Gavin Shuker Luton South Lab Co-op In the United States, senators and congressmen face a cap on their outside earnings of 15 Why is that appropriate for them but not for us. The Prime Minister If the cap is such a good idea, why are we not voting on it in the House of Commons tonight If we want evidence that Labour s policy has been written on the back of a fag packet, that tells us all we need to know Obviously, with plain paper packaging we will be helping, Labour Members to have more room to write their policies on. Sir Peter Tapsell Louth and Horncastle Con May I assure my right hon Friend Interruption. Mr Speaker Order Sir Peter must be properly heard from start to finish. Sir Peter Tapsell May I assure my right hon Friend that I am not a paid trade union official but I fear that if Members of the House are not allowed a second job, membership of it will soon be largely confined to the inheritor s of substantial fortunes or to those with rich spouses, or to obsessive crackpots or those who are unemployable anywhere else. The Prime Minister I want to be clear that the Father of the House does not fit into any of those categories He makes an important point Parliament is stronger because we have people with different experience When we look around this Parliament, we see we have actually got practising doctors, practising dentists, people who served our country in Afghanistan or Iraq, and people who run family businesses or have other interests What.25 Feb 2015 Column 316.we want is a Parliament where people can come and share their experience and make some points, instead of just having a whole lot of trade union sponsored ciphers. Q8 907699 Phil Wilson Sedgefield Lab I have asked the Prime Minister this question before and he did not answer how many jobs should an MP have. The Prime Minister At the moment I am both the Member of Parliament for west Oxfordshire and I am the Prime Minister To be honest, I do do constituency work every day, but I would mislead the House if I said that I spent more time on my constituency work than being Prime Minister That is worth while reflecting on. Q14 907706 Sir Tony Baldry Banbury Con It being so successful, I wonder if for the convenience of the House and particularly for Opposition Members my right hon Friend could set out the details of our long-term economic plan. The Prime Minister I am grateful to my right hon Friend The plan is about skills, infrastructure, jobs and cutting taxes, but above all it is about people s livelihoods securing jobs and livelihoods for people across our country The fact that Labour Members cannot talk about the economy any week when they come to this House is because we have created a thousand jobs every day this Government have been in office They are keen to talk about second jobs because they do not want to talk about the jobs revolution in our country They do not want to talk about the appr enticeships They do not want to talk about business creation, and they do not want to talk about the OECD and the fact that our economy grew faster last year than any other major economy in the west They cannot talk about the economy because they have got nothing to say about it. Q9 907700 Mr George Howarth Knowsley Lab Is the Prime Minister aware that as a result of a 40 cut in the disabled students allowance many disabled students say that they might have to drop out of the courses they are on Will he undertake to have an urgent review of that problem, because obviously I am sure that he does not want that to be the case. The Prime Minister I have looked specifically at this issue and had a constituency case connected to it I will go back and look over it again, and perhaps write to the right hon Gentleman, but it is important to recognise that with the reform of disability living allowance going into personal independence payments more of the most disabled people will be paid at the h igher rate. Q10 907702 Glyn Davies Montgomeryshire Con I know the Prime Minister shares my enthusiastic support for organ donation and my joy at the 63 increase in what is the most wonderful gift that anyone can give since the organ donation task force reported in 2008 Interruption. Mr Speaker Order I apologise for interrupting the hon Gentleman It is discourteous to interrupt an hon Member in the middle of his or her question Let us hear what the hon Gentleman has to say it is a matter of manners.25 Feb 2015 Column 317.Glyn Davies Will the Prime Minister take an early opportunity, should one arise, to join me in helping to raise awareness of that wonderful achievement and to drive on the creation of ever greater success in the future. The Prime Minister I absolutely agree with my hon Friend We have seen a very substantial increase in organ donation That has been done without moving to a system of presumed consent, which I know the House discussed and voted on previously I was not in favo ur of that, but I am in favour of doing more to lead by example and making sure that hospitals are pursuing the best practice There has been a remarkable increase, and if there is anything I can do to help with his campaign, I would be delighted to do so. Q11 907703 John Cryer Leyton and Wanstead Lab The lobbying Act, which the Prime Minister mentioned earlier, did absolutely nothing to affect those who are lobbying specifically for commercial gain Will he now introduce a register of professional lobbyists not to stop it, but so we all know what they are up to. The Prime Minister First, before I answer the hon Gentleman s question, may I congratulate him on being appointed as the new chair of the parliamentary Labour party I hope that in 70 days time he will be able to conduct a root and branch inquest into what went wrong. Let me answer the hon Gentleman s question specifically If he supports the lobbying Act, can he explain why trade unions in Britain have lobbied the Labour party to ge t rid of the Act If we want an example of what is wrong with British politics, it is the massive money that goes from the unions to the Labour party that buys their candidates and buys their policies The only reason their leader is sitting there is because a bunch of trade union barons thought he was more left-wing than his brother That is what is wrong with British politics and that is what needs fixing. Tessa Munt Wells LD When the Prime Minister wrote to my local newspapers heralding the work done to bring superfast broadband to Somerset, was he aware that, according to the Government s own figures, Somerset has 41 coverage at the moment BT s monopoly means that it will be the only organisation able to bid for the next phase of connections That offers very little hope for the residents and business people in my area who do not have access to superfast broadband What is he going to do about that. The Prime Minister What we are going to do is continue spending record sums on broadband r oll-out We have seen across the country that it is almost double from the 40 we inherited There is more to do in the most rural areas, including the hon Lady s constituency All local councils now have searchable websites so people can see when they expect broadband to get to their area We need to look at creative solutions to make sure we get to the last 5 It is a very important part of our long-term economic plan That can only be secured by a Conservative majority Government. Q12 907704 Clive Efford Eltham Lab I welcome the fact that the Government have been forced to accept our demands for people to be protected when.25 Feb 2015 Column 318.buying tickets in the secondary ticketing market If the Government had listened to us last year, thousands of rugby world cup and Ashes cricket fans would have been saved from having to pay more than face value for tickets Why are the Government always on the side of people like bankers, tax dodgers and the organised gangs behind ticket touting in t he secondary ticketing market, and never on the side of ordinary people in the street. The Prime Minister This is something that has happened after four and a half years of a Conservative Prime Minister that never happened after 13 years of a Labour Prime Minister I will tell the hon Gentleman whose side we are on we are on the side of working people, because we are getting them jobs, we are cutting their taxes, and we are helping with child care We sit opposite a party that is the party of Len McCluskey and the trade unions. Q13 907705 Mr John Leech Manchester, Withington LD Does the Prime Minister agree with me that, hot on the heels of devolving powers on transport and housing, the welcome announcement that Manchester will take control of its 6 billion NHS budget shows the coalition s commitment to local decision-making for Manchester, in stark contrast to the Labour Government that oversaw the closure of Withington hospital from Whitehall. The Prime Minister My hon Friend is absolutel y right to say that this is an important breakthrough It has been made possible by our reforms It will help to bring the NHS and social care together The shadow Health Secretary, who presumably knew absolutely nothing about this, does not understand that eight Labour authorities in Greater Manchester have been talking to us and working with us about how to make this a reality What a contrast people working together to improve the NHS, instead of trying to weaponise it across the Dispatch Box. Jeremy Corbyn Islington North Lab Last year, more than 3,000 desperate migrants drowned in the Mediterranean Several hundred have already died this year trying to reach a place of safety Many people, in absolute desperation, turn to traffickers to try to escape the crisis in Libya and in many other places They are victims of war and oppression The European Union is closing down Mare Nostrum, which has saved a very large number of lives, and is instead instituting something that will only protect Eu rope s borders, not search for and rescue people Will the Prime Minister go back and ensure that Europe adopts a humanitarian approach of saving these desperate people and supporting these desperate migrants who are trying to survive that is all, survive in Libya. The Prime Minister The hon Gentleman makes a very important point, but I am afraid that the statistics do not necessarily back up the case he is making Mare Nostrum was a genuine attempt by the Italians to deal with this problem, but I think I am right in saying that more people died during the operation of that policy than when it was brought to an end There are some answers We need to make sure we press ahead with the Modern Slavery Bill, an historic piece of legislation taken through by this Government, that is doing a huge.25 Feb 2015 Column 319.amount to deal with the problem of people trafficking Yes, we need to do more to stabilise countries such as Libya and others on the Mediterranean, from which many of the problems derive That serves to underline the important work done by our development budget.25 Feb 2015 Column 320.25 Feb 2015 Column 321.Service Personnel Ukraine. Mr Kevan Jones North Durham Lab Urgent Question To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the deployment of UK personnel to train Ukrainian forces. The Secretary of State for Defence Michael Fallon The Government s position from the outset has been that we deplore Russian aggression in Ukraine We do not believe that there is a military solution There needs to be a diplomatic solution, which can be enabled through sanctions, pressure and the economic weight of Europe and America Obviously, however, as the Prime Minister has said, where we can help a friend with non-lethal equipment, we should do so. The second Minsk agreement of 12 February provided a framework for stabilising the situation in eastern Ukraine We want it to succeed and we urge all sides to take the necessary steps to implement it In the ligh t of continued Russian-backed aggression in eastern Europe, the UK is committed to providing additional non-lethal support to the Ukrainian Government to help their forces deal with the pressures they are facing As the Prime Minister confirmed in Parliament yesterday, we are providing additional non-lethal support by sending advisory and short-term training teams This support, provided at the request of the Ukrainian Government, will help their armed forces develop and maintain the capacity and resilience they need, and help reduce fatalities and casualties. Support to the Ukrainian armed forces is not new we have been providing it for some time This includes support on anti-corruption, on defence reform and on strategic communications and procurement Over the last year, we have also provided personal protective equipment, winter fuel, medical kits and winter clothing for the Ukrainian armed forces. As part of the wider Government effort to support Ukraine and ensure a robust internation al response to Russia s aggression, UK personnel will now provide to the Ukrainian armed forces medical, logistics, infantry, and intelligence capacity-building training from mid-March Most of the advisory and training support will take place in Ukraine, but well away from the areas affected by the conflict in the east of the country The number of service personnel involved will be around 75.In respect of medical support, we will provide combat life-support training through a train the trainer package to multiply the numbers trained The logistics team will identify and help improve deficiencies within Ukraine s logistics distribution system The infantry training package will focus on protective measures to improve survivability, and the intelligence capacity building team will provide tactical-level analysis training We are considering further requests from the Ukrainian Government for support and assistance, and we will work closely with key allies through the Ukraine-US-UK-Canada joi nt commission In the meantime, Russia must abide by its commitments at Minsk That means making the separatists withdraw their heavy weapons, stopping continued separatist attacks so that an effective ceasefire can hold, and allowing effective monitoring to take place.25 Feb 2015 Column 322.Mr Jones Let me begin by apologising to the Secretary of State and the House on behalf of my hon Friend the Member for Gedling Vernon Coaker As the Secretary of State knows, my hon Friend is currently making a scheduled visit to our armed forces who are involved in Operation TOSCA. Members on both sides of the House are rightly concerned about the serious and ongoing situation in eastern Ukraine, and about the question of an imminent ceasefire Labour Members have made it clear that the international community must be ready to increase diplomatic pressure on the Kremlin should Russia fail to implement the ceasefire and change course We support these non-lethal steps to improve the capacity of the Ukrai ne armed forces, but the public will want not only to know what strategic rationale lies behind the announcement, but to ask questions about the operation itself. If this deployment is to succeed, it must form part of a broader NATO strategy How does the Secretary of State s announcement fit into the broader NATO strategy on Ukraine, and what discussions has he had with our NATO partners about the deployment What is the overall strategic objective of the deployment, and how long has it been in the planning How does it fit into the wider ongoing diplomatic efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. Let me now ask some specific questions about the operation itself What force protection arrangements will there be for the UK service personnel who are involved in this operation, and how long does he expect the deployment to continue What will be the legal status of the UK forces while they are in Ukraine. As I have said, we support these non-lethal steps to reinforce t he Ukrainian forces logistical, medical and intelligence capabilities We also pay tribute to, and recognise the professionalism of, those of our armed forces who will take part in this vital operation. Michael Fallon I am grateful to the hon Gentleman for what he has said. Let me make it clear at the outset that Ukraine has the right to defend herself, and to defend her sovereign territory The hon Gentleman asked what was our strategic objective It is to help Ukraine in that task to help it to build up the capacity and resilience of its armed forces, and above all, when we can, to help to reduce the number of fatalities and casualties that are occurring. The hon Gentleman asked about NATO This is not a NATO deployment it follows a decision by the United Kingdom Government Obviously we consult our allies very closely I hope to do that in Washington very shortly and NATO has set up a couple of trust funds, to which we have contributed, as part of its partnership with Ukraine Nevertheless, t his is not a NATO operation A number of our allies are considering providing non-lethal assistance, and the United States is already doing so. As for how the deployment fits in with other efforts, it accompanies our continuing diplomatic efforts I should emphasise that this country has been at the forefront of the efforts to impose sanctions on Russia I should also emphasise that it is leading the efforts to ensure that.25 Feb 2015 Column 323.those sanctions are renewed, and to make Moscow understand that unless its aggression ceases, it will face further sanctions and additional international isolation. The hon Gentleman asked about force protection The training will be carried out either around Kiev itself or in the west of the country, an area that we know well and where exercises and training take place Obviously, however, we will continue to assess what force protection is required for each specific mission The hon Gentleman asked about the status of our trainers I want to make it v ery clear that we are providing this training capacity at the request of the Ukraine Government Each of these things has been asked for by Ukraine we are answering Kiev s call. Sir Edward Leigh Gainsborough Con The trouble with sending advisers is that, as the Americans found in Vietnam, and as many other nations have found since, mission creep eventually results in the sending of combat troops Given that Ukraine is an area the size of France, where whole German armies of tens of thousands of men were enveloped and destroyed in the second world war, is there not a real danger of that We must rule out sending ground troops, and we should concentrate our efforts on promoting peace, self-determination in the east within Ukraine s borders, and solving what the Foreign Secretary described as a sink of corruption in Kiev We should send advisers to help to sort out corruption, not wage war. Michael Fallon We already provide advice and support on how to tackle corruption inside the Ukrainian Gov ernment We have done so over the past few months and, indeed, I think even before then As for mission creep, may I make it absolutely clear that we are not deploying combat troops to Ukraine, and we will not do so We are providing non-lethal assistance that has been requested by the Ukrainian Government to enhance the capability of their armed forces and to attempt to reduce the number of fatalities and casualties that they have suffered. John Woodcock Barrow and Furness Lab Co-op Of course everyone wants a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but are the Government not at risk of showing naivety in the face of a calculating thug in President Putin Every time that the right hon Gentleman stands at the Dispatch Box and rules out a military solution from the UK and its allies he makes such a military catastrophe more likely by emboldening Putin. Michael Fallon I do not accept that We have to make it clear to Russia that it has to cease its aggression and its encouragement of the separatists in eastern Ukraine The best way to do that, as we are already doing, is through sanctions and political pressure on Russia Equally, it would not be right to refuse the call that we have received from Kiev from the Ukrainian Government to help with some of the basic training, support and equipment that they need. Sir Gerald Howarth Aldershot Con The whole House will recognise that there is a risk here, but does my right hon Friend not agree that it is in our interests to check President Putin s aggression Does he also agree that that is entirely consistent with our obligations under the 1994 Budapest agreement, signed by Boris Yeltsin, John Major and Bill Clinton.25 Feb 2015 Column 324.Michael Fallon I agree with my hon Friend, who has experience of serving in the Ministry of Defence He is right about the aggression that Putin has shown We need to stand up to that, but there are a number of routes to that They are political and diplomatic we do not think that there is a military solution to the conflict However, where we have been asked to help, we should do so We are a friend of Ukraine, and we should come to the help of a friend in need. Angus Robertson Moray SNP Like the Defence Secretary, I abhor the Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine, and I support the EU sanctions approach Has he had the opportunity to review the Ukrainian media The Kyev Post writes. The United Kingdom stunned officials across Europe with a unilateral announcement that it would send 75 troops to Ukraine EU officials in Brussels first learned of the decision when contacted by the Kyiv Post for comment, and were unable to provide one. Why do our allies seem to be so badly informed, and why did the Government not come to the House and make a proactive statement to Parliament. Michael Fallon On the latter point, I announced in Defence questions on Monday that we were preparing such a package, and the Prime Minister gave details of the package to the Liaison Committee yesterday One thing we cannot be accused of is not keeping Parliament informed we are keeping Parliament informed As for consultation with allies, of course we talk to them I meet my fellow Defence Ministers in NATO all the time, and I shall meet another one later this afternoon I saw High Representative Federica Mogherini yesterday This is a decision for the UK Government this is not a NATO deployment It is a decision by the UK Government to respond to a request from the Ukrainian Government. Dr Liam Fox North Somerset Con I welcome the Government s initiative, particularly if it is alongside our allies in the United States The Ukrainians need the ability to defend their homeland against a much more powerful aggressor and they require equipment such as unmanned aerial vehicles for reconnaissance and targeting They require anti-tank capability and encrypted communications Is not the argument that we cannot give defensive equipment to a country under threat because it might provoke a further reaction from Russia simply a bully s charter that is already discredited by history. Michael Fallon I agree with my predecessor but one as Secretary of State We are supplying defensive equipment It might not be lethal, but it does help the Ukrainian armed forces better defend themselves As I said in my initial statement, in addition to the secondment of 75 trainers we are considering a further request f rom the Ukrainian Government for additional equipment and support That is non-lethal, but we reserve the right ultimately to keep it under review. Mrs Madeleine Moon Bridgend Lab The Secretary of State said that the 75 trainers would mostly be in Ukraine Where else will they be operating from If any Ukrainians are coming to the UK for training, can we have an absolute assurance for the citizens of the UK that we will not face another incident such as those in Bassingbourn, where we were training Libyans and.25 Feb 2015 Column 325.members of the Cambridge community were assaulted Can we have an assurance about how many are coming to the UK and where else they will be trained. Michael Fallon It is slightly unfortunate that the hon Lady has compared the general purpose force we were attempting to train a very raw force of recruits from Libya with the Ukrainian armed forces She asked me a straightforward and quite reasonable question about where else the training might be There will be, and has already been, some training in the UK, but there can also be training in countries alongside Ukraine We are looking at where the training can best be provided, but it is likely that most of it will be provided in Ukraine, in the Kiev area or elsewhere in the west of Ukraine, areas that are very familiar to the British military as we have been on exercise there in the past. Mr James Gray North Wiltshire Con It is of course very important that there should be non-lethal support and training, but in a parallel situation in north-east Iraq, where we are training the peshmerga in Kurdistan, we have discovered that the Americans and other EU allies are training on the front line and they find that much more effective than the kind of training we have been providing about 100 miles behind the front line Is there not an argument that, although that support is non-lethal, we might find a way to move the troops forward so that they can advise the Ukrainians where they are doing the fighting. M ichael Fallon I do not think it is right for other countries to get involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine On the contrary, Russia should now be withdrawing its heavy weapons from eastern Ukraine and be putting pressure on the separatists to lay down their arms On the location of the training, we are not putting combat troops anywhere near the front line The training we have been providing to the peshmerga in northern Iraq has, as my hon Friend says, been well away from the front line We have trained more than 1,000 peshmerga as well as supplying them with machine guns and ammunition. Derek Twigg Halton Lab We know for a fact that the Russians are supplying lethal weapons to the rebels NATO s response has been pretty woeful, but may I ask a specific question about what the Secretary of State said I am sure that he mentioned that he was considering what else can be done about further requests, so will he enlighten the House on what more might be being considered to be put in place i n the future. Michael Fallon We have had a series of requests from the Ukrainian Government, including lists of equipment of all kinds I do not want to give too many details, but we are looking at these shortfalls in their capacity and at what further training we might be able to provide in addition to the infantry training, logistics and medical and intelligence capacity-building training I described. Sir Nick Harvey North Devon LD I welcome the Secretary of State s announcement These are proportionate and sensibly judged measures for us to take We are good at this sort of thing and as we have been asked to.25 Feb 2015 Column it is only right that we should do so Let us not exaggerate the scale of what we are doing, however The idea that 75 trainers will lead to creep into a mission in an area the size of France is clearly far-fetched, but we should be willing to respond to anything more of a similar kind and we should do so on a pan-governmental basis to help the Ukrainian Gov ernment build up their capacity more widely. Michael Fallon I am particularly grateful to my hon Friend, another former Minister in the Ministry of Defence He has got it exactly right We should respond to requests Ukraine is our friend, it is in need and we should respond to requests, whether they are for equipment or additional training I want to assure the House that that is exactly what we will continue to do. Mr Dennis Skinner Bolsover Lab Is the Secretary of State aware that mission creep knows no boundaries That has happened so many times, as evidenced by the point made much earlier by one of his hon Friends In Vietnam, it started with only a little request On Libya, not so long ago in this House I asked about mission creep and did not get a satisfactory answer I never could and now I know the result ISIL roaming over large areas of Libya That is what mission creep did As sure as night follows day, Ukraine will now realise that the United Kingdom is a participant in the battle and will ask for more What is he going to do then. Michael Fallon It is rather odd to describe the operations in Libya as mission creep This was a mission to get rid of Gaddafi and to help the Libyan people get rid of a brutal dictator a dictator I believe the former Labour Government rather cosied up to. Mr Skinner No, Mrs Thatcher did to get more oil during the pit strike. Michael Fallon It was a mission to help the Libyan people get rid of a dictator and give them the chance of choosing a better future Obviously, we would want to see the situation in Libya improve. This is a closely defined training mission We think it is right to respond to the call for help If the hon Gentleman is suggesting that we should shun such a call, I cannot agree with him. Mr John Whittingdale Maldon Con Is my right hon Friend aware that last week Prime Minister Yatsenyuk told me that he regarded Britain, alongside America, as Ukraine s strongest allies, and his statement this afternoon confirms that Is my right h on Friend aware that we have a special responsibility as a signatory of the Budapest memorandum to help Ukraine Specifically, will he consider the requests made by the Ukrainian Government for defensive weapons such as counter-battery radar, electronic jamming equipment and anti-tank weaponry. Michael Fallon My hon Friend is probably as knowledgeable as anybody about the affairs of Ukraine, as he chairs the all-party group It is very clear to us that the Ukrainian armed forces are in desperate need of further equipment and they have supplied lists of equipment.25 Feb 2015 Column 327.they would like We are focusing, as I have said, on the non-lethal equipment we can supply and are considering the additional requests. Kevin Brennan Cardiff West Lab At the very least, the House is entitled to know what equipment the Secretary of State is considering supplying to Ukrainians So far, the Secretary of State has been very unwilling to detail any of those requests We are entitled to know what is under consideration Will he now give us some more detail on the nature of the equipment he is actively considering, as he outlined in his response. Michael Fallon As soon as we make a decision on what equipment to supply or to gift, we will of course inform Parliament in the normal way If the equipment is to be gifted, a minute has to be laid before Parliament and that will be done. Richard Benyon Newbury Con Like many people, I take an increasingly bleak view of the situation when we examine the psychology of this aggressor What measures has my right hon Friend taken with colleagues across Government to look at the possibility of this happening in other areas on the western boundary of Russia What work should we be doing now to prepare for requests similar to that that he has received from the Ukrainian Government from countries such as Moldova or, God forbid, a NATO country, as we would be required to respond differently to an attack on one of those countries. Michael Fallon As my right hon Friend the Prime Minister told the Liaison Committee yesterday, we can now see a pattern of behaviour around the borders of Russia We have seen it in Georgia and elsewhere The first thing that we had to do about that was to stiffen up NATO to ensure that we had a rapid reaction force worthy of the name That was agreed at the NATO summit last September, and we have now agreed our contribution to it We will be a framework nation in 2017 and we will be seconding staff to the two divisional headquarters, in Poland and Romania We will also be seconding staff to all six of the forward integration units We are encouraging other NATO members to make similar commitments in order to reassure the members on NATO s eastern flank that we are ready to stand by our commitments under article 5.John Cryer Leyton and Wanstead Lab Whatever the Secretary of State might say, to the real world this will look like military intervention At what point is he going to come here and seek the agreement of the House of Commons to this. Michael Fallon There is a well-established convention that if we were engaged in offensive military operations in a country we would of course come to the House, as we did last September when we obtained the authority of the House to carry out air strikes in Iraq This, however, is not a military operation We are providing trainers and advisers to help the armed forces of Ukraine better to defend themselves and to help to reduce the very high number of fatalities and casualties that they are suffering. Mr Bernard Jenkin Harwich and North Essex Con Does my right hon Friend agree that the lesson of the cold war is that we secure peace through strength I.25 Feb 2015 Column 328.very much welcome this intervention, but we in the west must decide whether we are going to indicate our resolve to deter Russian aggression or not Will he remind our American allies, whom I very much welcome as part of this initiative, that it was the sailing of their sixth fleet into the Bl ack sea that stopped the invasion of Georgia in its tracks When are the Americans going to come to this initiative with force. Michael Fallon I am looking forward to discussing this with the new American Secretary of Defence, Ash Carter, whose appointment I hope the whole House will welcome I say to my hon Friend that we cannot simply leave the defence of our continent to the Americans They are involved in the joint commission with Ukraine, alongside Canada and ourselves, but it is also important for NATO to have the resolve to defend its own borders That is why I hope that my hon Friend welcomes the commitments made at the NATO summit, which we now need to follow through. Jeremy Corbyn Islington North Lab I should like to ask the Secretary of State for Defence how far the Government have really thought this thing through Does he acknowledge that 75 trainers will be followed by 150 trainers, and that they will be followed by more and more The gifting of weapons is being talked about, and we are now moving into a situation in which we are going to be in the conflict in Ukraine NATO wants Ukraine as a member, contrary to everything that was agreed following the break-up of the Soviet Union on the non-alignment and independence of that country Instead of upping the military ante, why will not the Government put huge efforts into trying to demilitarise Russian militarism and NATO expansionism, in order to bring about a longer-term sustainable peace in that area The danger of getting involved in a hot war in central Europe has got a bit closer as a result of the Secretary of State s statement today. Michael Fallon I do not agree with the hon Gentleman We are not supplying weapons and we are not attempting to escalate the conflict in any way As I have said, we believe that in the end the answer has to be diplomatic and political, and the pressure therefore continues to be applied, through sanctions and so on He invites us to help to demilitarise eastern Ukraine, but I think he ought to ask himself who has militarised the area and who has supplied weapons, tanks and heavy artillery across the border It is now up to President Putin to withdraw his heavy weaponry, as was agreed at Minsk, and to implement the agreement that he has signed up to. Bob Stewart Beckenham Con As a follow-up to what my hon Friend the Member for Aldershot Sir Gerald Howarth said about the 1994 agreement between Russia, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and the United States, under which the sovereignty of Ukraine was guaranteed in return for getting rid of the one third of the Russian nuclear arsenal that it had on its soil, may I suggest that there is an oblique lesson for us now as we think about whether we should replace the independent nuclear deterrent and whether we need to keep it. Michael Fallon So far as the 1994 agreement is concerned, it is for all parties to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but that has not happened in this Russian-backed aggression and the movement of heavy.25 Feb 2015 Column 329.weapons and artillery from Russia across the border into eastern Ukraine So far as the nuclear deterrent is concerned, the House debated the matter a few weeks ago and recorded one of the largest majorities in recent years in favour of building the successor submarines. Mrs Cheryl Gillan Chesham and Amersham Con It is clearly correct to support the effectiveness of the Ukrainian army and its capacity to protect the country from Russian aggression, but back in 2013 when we undertook the training of the Libyan troops, the Libyan Government paid for that training Will the Secretary of State tell us who is to bear the cost of the proposed training in Ukraine, and whether there is any financial limit on the UK s assistance to that country. Michael Fallon At the moment, we are bearing the cost of the training, and the costs involved in gifting any non-lethal equipment will be borne by my budget So far as the Libyan training is concerned, I am afraid that I have to tell my right hon Friend that although the Libyan Government had committed to pay for it, they have not quite paid for it all yet. Sammy Wilson East Antrim DUP We must all be concerned by the expansionist tendencies of the Putin regime, and it is therefore important to provide a robust response to the situation in Ukraine, but if we are going to train troops there, would not the logical step be to give them the wherewithal to use that training Why are we not in a position to consider making equipment available to them as well. Michael Fallon We have not taken that decision The equipment that we have supplied is non-lethal essentially it is to help the Ukrainian armed forces to protect themselves better and to reduce the number of casualties We do, however, reserve the right to keep that position under review. Richard Drax South Dorset Con My right hon Friend has assured the House that we are giving non-lethal aid that it was asked for and that we have given it Have we been asked for le thal aid and, if so, what was our response. Michael Fallon The Ukrainian military has identified a whole series of equipment shortfalls that it would like to fill a lot of its equipment is east European it is old Soviet equipment that does not fit naturally with ours but our decision at the moment is not to supply lethal aid. Jack Lopresti Filton and Bradley Stoke Con Can my right hon Friend reassure the House that, regardless of any force protection measures taking place before.25 Feb 2015 Column 330.deployment, our people will be legally authorised under any future rules of engagement to pick up weapons and defend themselves if they need to. Michael Fallon We will assess the force protection that is required for each of the different training teams As I have told the House, we expect the training to be carried out in areas well away from the fighting, right over in the west of Ukraine or around Kiev, where our troops have exercised before and are used to exercising I will of course keep my hon Friend s point under review. David Tredinnick Bosworth Con As a Member who has taken parliamentary delegations to Ukraine, spoken in the Ukrainian Parliament and believes himself to be a supporter of Ukraine, I say to my right hon Friend that I am worried about this decision All along, we have underestimated Russian sensitivities about Ukraine, and the Lords report said that we have sleepwalked into this mess I fear that the thought of NATO troops, from us, in Ukraine will further destabilise things in the long term and will be used, possibly in March, by the Russians for further intervention I do not think we have got the measure of Russia s concerns about what it sees as a country that is very much part of its immediate diaspora. Michael Fallon There are, of course, Russian concerns, but above all there are Ukrainian concerns It is eastern Ukraine that has been destabilised by Russia this is a country whose sovereign territory has now been invaded by personnel from the Russian armed forces As for my hon Friend s fear about NATO troops, let me emphasise again that these are not and will not be NATO troops this is not a NATO mission This is the British Government deciding to respond to a request for help by our friends in Kiev It is right that we should answer that call and provide the training capacity, in which our armed forces excel, to help reduce fatalities and casualties. Paul Maynard Blackpool North and Cleveleys Con I welcome the Government s announcement, and my right hon Friend s robust stance against Russian aggression and this threat to Ukrainian sovereignty Can he tell us what engagement his Department or the Government more widely have had with the newly elected Moldovan Government, given the great uncertainty and concern about Trans-Dniester on the border between Ukraine and Moldova. Michael Fallon Indeed there is exactly that concern As I have said, this seems to fit a pattern of Russian interference right along its southern and western border, a nd we need to be mindful of that I have not yet had the opportunity to meet or talk to my Moldovan counterpart, but I look forward to doing so in due course.25 Feb 2015 Column 331.Employment of People with Disabilities Reporting. Motion for leave to bring in a Bill Standing Order No 23.Debbie Abrahams Oldham East and Saddleworth Lab I beg to move. That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require listed companies, public bodies and voluntary agencies to report annually on the number and percentage of people they employ who have disabilities and for connected purposes. In the UK today, more than 11 million people are living with a disability, impairment or limiting long-term illness, and nearly 7 million of them are of working age That is nearly one in five of the working population People with disabilities continue to face many barriers in accessing work, whether they have a visible or invisible disability or illness The barriers may be physical but they are also cultural That is the situ ation despite the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Equality Act 2010, which provided a legal platform to challenge discrimination based on disability Even before that, the Disabled Persons Employment Act 1944 and the Disabled Persons Employment Act 1958 prohibited employment-related discrimination against disabled people Although some progress has been made, only 47 of working age disabled people are in employment, compared with nearly 80 of non-disabled people, and the figures vary considerably for different disabilities So there is a disability employment gap of more than 30 , and it has widened slightly in recent years. Although 4 million people with disabilities are working, another 1 3 million are available to and want to work but are currently unemployed The vast majority of disabled people used to work, so this is such a waste of their skills, experience and talent Attitudes, perceptions and judgments can get in the way of identifying someone s talent or skills, and for peo ple with disabilities that can be magnified, particularly in a job interview or at work. A man in his 40s from Oldham told me that after an operation to remove a benign tumour left him disabled, he applied for hundreds of jobs but kept being knocked back His experience was ignored and instead he was made to feel like a liability He said. I m ex-army, disciplined and driven to work like millions of other disabled people I just need a chance. Adrian, from Saddleworth, who is in his 50s, left work in 2013, suffering from severe depression as a result of bullying Now fully recovered, he is desperate to get back to work He said. I think many employers look at mental health issues in your medical records and see it as a weakness. Working-age disabled people are twice as likely to be living in persistent poverty as non-disabled people, and that has implications for disabled people s families, too Families with one disabled member make up one third of all the families living in poverty With the recent changes to social security support introduced by this Government, including nearly 24 billion to be cut from 3 7 million disabled people by 2018, the poverty and inequality experienced by disabled people are set to get worse There are also implications for the economy and society as a whole research from the Social Market Foundation has estimated that halving the disability.25 Feb 2015 Column 332.employment gap and supporting 1 million more disabled people into work would boost the economy by 13 billion a year. There are many reasons for the disability employment gap, including a lack of information and advice for emp loyers Discrimination against disabled workers is still prevalent A recent survey showed that 15 of disabled people felt they had been discriminated against when applying for a job, and one in five felt that they had been discriminated against while in work Information is not enough to address this leadership is needed. Governments set the tone for the culture of society explicitly, through their policies and laws, and more subtly, through the language they use and what they imply, which collectively tells us who they think are worthy or not This Government have made their views abundantly clear, from their swingeing cuts to social security support for disabled people to their overhaul of the work capability assessment process, which managed to be both dehumanising and ineffective Their new sanctions policy has targeted the most vulnerable, bringing people to the brink, and people have died under it We must also not forget their closure of Remploy factories for disabled people and their replacing them with well, nothing The chaos and inadequacy of the specialist employment support programme, Access to Work, which last year supported only 35,000 disabled people into work and at work, and the jobcentres disability employment service, with one adviser providing support to 600 disabled people, again reveal this Government s priorities. But what I, and many others, find so deeply offensive is the pejorative language that has been used by this Government, as they refer to people receiving social security as shirkers and scroungers and that includes people with disabilities and limiting illnesses The Government and anyone else who wilfully misrepresent the facts should be ashamed of themselves. My Bill is a very modest step to help address that prevailing culture People with disabilities should be able to access the same opportunities that everyone else can, including being able to use their talent and skills to the best of their ability No one should feel they are unable to reach their full potential or that their hopes and dreams do not matter By requiring employers with more than 250 employees to report the number and proportion of people with disabilities they employ, my Bill seeks to raise their awareness of the disability employment gap in their own organisation, prompting them to consider this information and what they may do about it As we know, what is not measured or reported is rarely acted on This is not about red tape it is about what sort of society we want. On its own, reporting will do little to address the disability employment gap In addition to leadership from Government, we need leadership from organisations to shift attitudes to disability in the workplace Training for employers, and more widely, can help develop empathy and change attitudes and behaviour We also need practical measures to support disabled people at work, enabling them to thrive and protecting them from prematurely leaving the labour market Some disability charities hav e recommended more flexible leave arrangements, as well as extending the Access to Work programme, which currently supports only a tiny minority of disabled people.25 Feb 2015 Column 333.Although a number of employers do exceptional work in recruiting and retaining disabled employees, how does this apply to their procurement policies and supply chains Of course more also needs to be done to help disabled people into work As has been reported in recent Select Committee on Work and Pensions inquiries, the work capability assessment needs replacing with a more holistic, whole-person assessment Instead of the increasingly punitive sanctions system, more appropriate support needs to be provided One employment adviser helping 600 disabled people will just not cut it. It is more than 70 years since legislation was first introduced to prohibit employment-related discrimination against disabled people Sadly, we are still fighting to address this discrimination and the inequality in employment th at people with disabilities still face Changing attitudes and behaviour needs cultural change it needs leadership My Bill takes another step along this path for fairness. That Debbie Abrahams, Dame Anne Begg, Sheila Gilmore, Glenda Jackson, Teresa Pearce, Alex Cunningham, Mr Peter Hain, Mike Kane, Caroline Lucas, Alison McGovern and Grahame M Morris present the Bill. Debbie Abrahams accordingly presented the Bill. Bill read the First time to be read a Second time on Friday 27 March, and to be printed Bill 178.25 Feb 2015 Column 334.Opposition Day. 18th Allotted Day. Bankers Bonuses and the Banking Industry. Cathy Jamieson Kilmarnock and Loudoun Lab Co-op I beg to move. That this House believes bonuses should be rewards for exceptional performance and that, following the banking scandals that have emerged in the last few months, this year s bank bonus round should reflect this principle further believes that a tax on bank bonuses should be levied in order to fund a guaranteed paid starter job for young people who have been out of work for over a year, and that this tax should cover allowances paid by banks which attempt to get round the EU bonus cap calls on the Government to reform the rules on bankers bonuses by extending clawback of bank bonuses that have already been paid in cases of inappropriate behaviour to at least 10 years and by also extending the deferral period for senior managers to 10 years, in line with the recommendations of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards and further calls on the Government to impl ement wider reform of the banking industry to increase competition and boost net lending to small and medium-sized businesses. As we enter this year s bank bonus season, I am reminded that seasons used to be for football and fashion, but it now seems that we have a season for bank bonuses as well I am delighted to have this opportunity to set out everything that a Labour Government would do to reform the banking sector in this country, and to highlight the areas where the current Government have failed to make the necessary reforms. Earlier this month, in our Opposition day debate on tax avoidance, my hon Friend the Member for Birmingham, Ladywood Shabana Mahmood , with whom I have traded places today, explained how the tax system is underpinned by the principles of fairness, trust and transparency Those principles are equally applicable to the banking sector Just as a Labour Government will restore those principles to the tax system, ensuring that tax loopholes are closed, tax dodgers a re caught, and everyone pays their fair share, so we will restore them to the banking sector In doing so, we will be acting in the best interests of businesses, consumers, the wider economy and the banks themselves. Guy Opperman Hexham Con The hon Lady s motion seeks to increase competition in banking Will she therefore explain why the Labour Opposition voted against the Financial Services Act 2012, which specifically encouraged competition in banking services. Cathy Jamieson Having sat on the Bill Committee for that piece of legislation, I remember well the considerable discussion that there was If the hon Gentleman has read our paper on banking reform, he will know that we support the reference to the Competition and Markets Authority to ensure that we get new challenger banks in the system That will be an important feature of our reforms in government. Our programme of reform, as stated in our recent paper on banking, is designed to undo the reputational damage that has been inflicted by the financial crisis and the subsequent scandals Our approach will help to.25 Feb 2015 Column 335.restore the trust and confidence of savers, businesses and investors, and to ensure that fair dealing, integrity, prudence and probity are once again the pillars on which Britain s banks are founded In a global industry, an international reputation for good practice can only be a competitive advantage. Charlie Elphicke Dover Con Does the hon Lady believe that the tripartite system, which was brought in by the previous Prime Minister and the shadow Chancellor, was one reason why our banking system was left so much more vulnerable in the difficult time that we had Does she accept that the Labour party should take responsibility for that. Cathy Jamieson As the hon Gentleman knows, we did have a global financial crisis The Labour party has accepted that perhaps the regulation could and should have been tighter we have said that on numerous occasions I was not in this place at the time of the financial crisis, but I do not recall many on the Conservative Benches making the case for tougher regulation Indeed, the opposite is true they were actually looking for light-touch regulation I hear what the hon Gentleman is saying, but perhaps he should look at his own party s record on this matter as well. Cathy Jamieson I want to make a bit of progress, but I will give way once more to the hon Gentleman. Guy Opperman Clearly, regulation is needed, but it is only because we have relaxed some parts of the regulations that we have been able to allow up to 20 new challenger banks to be established since 2010 Does the hon Lady think that her proposals will encourage or discourage challenger banks The evidence thus far is that Labour has voted against every single measure that would create greater competition in banking. Cathy Jamieson I am now becoming a bit confused about what Conservative Members are arguing for here Do they want more or less regulation Interruption Did I hear someone sa y both The important issue here is to ensure that regulation is fit for purpose, and that we do not simply have more of the same when we talk about new entrants into the banking system. Richard Fuller Bedford Con Let me help to clarify the matter for the hon Lady The point that she was trying to make is that having an enormous amount of regulation can be ineffective and bureaucratic, but, equally, having too little regulation will not work What we need is effective regulation One of the most effective aspects of regulation, when it comes to changing behaviour, is the potential for criminal prosecution of those who do wrong That is not mentioned in her motion Will she address that during her speech. Cathy Jamieson I thank the hon Gentleman for giving some clarity He is absolutely right that regulation is part of the process, but we also need a culture change and an attitudinal change He is correct to identify the lack of prosecutions Although that is not mentioned specifically in the moti on, I recommend that he reads.25 Feb 2015 Column 336.Labour s document, which takes account of that point Our agenda is not entirely punitive, because it is driven by economic imperatives We all know that the performance of the banking sector is vital to the health of Britain s economy It employs more than 1 million people, each of whom has an important role to play in advising businesses and consumers, and helping them to manage their money, invest wisely and plan for the future Without the banks, consumers would be unable to save and borrow Businesses would not have access to the patient finance that they need if they are to grow and to create high-quality, well-paid jobs. Too often in recent years, many banks have fallen short of the very high standards that we expect of them that is a view shared across the House In many instances, they have not acted with trust and they have not acted fairly At times, they have acted recklessly and unethically Instead of helping their customers, th ey have exploited them. Banks and their employees operate in a high-skilled environment, dealing with sophisticated financial instruments that are often beyond the ken of the average consumer and small business owner Rather than using that knowledge to guide and advise consumers, they have, in some instances, abused that knowledge to exploit them In investment, consumer and business banking, banks have betrayed the trust of customers and undermined the integrity of the industry In doing so, they have totted up some truly colossal sums in fines. Indeed, 2014 was a record year for fines in the City of London, culminating in the 1 1 billion fine levied by the Financial Conduct Authority on five banks, including HSBC and the Royal Bank of Scotland, for their part in the forex fixing scandal In recent times, four UK banks fx, HSBC, RBS and Lloyds have also paid 1 5 billion in compensation for mis-selling interest rate hedging products Other recent scandals include LIBOR fixing and the m is-selling of payment protection insurance. Mark Garnier Wyre Forest Con I am grateful to the hon Lady for giving way she is making an intelligent speech With regard to the recent fines, is it not fair to say that in the vast majority of cases the actions that led to those fines were perpetrated under the old regulator, the Financial Services Authority, and that the bringing to justice, meaning the fining, has been done under the new regulatory regime Does that not reinforce how bad the old system was and how good the new one is. Cathy Jamieson I thank the hon Gentleman for what I think was a bit of a compliment about me making an intelligent speech Of course, he then proceeded to make a party political point by trying to shift the emphasis back on to what happened before, and I understand why he would seek to do so It is important to acknowledge that there have been changes, but there is no evidence yet to suggest that all the behaviours that led to wrong decisions being taken have chan ged, so we still need to keep an eye on that. Chloe Smith Norwich North Con I would like to give the hon Lady an opportunity to rise above the party politics that the right hon Member for Morley and Outwood Ed Balls , were he here I note that he is not would no doubt be indulging in Does she welcome.25 Feb 2015 Column 337.the 5 million funding from LIBOR sources that has benefited charities up and down the country, including the East Anglia air ambulance in my constituency. Cathy Jamieson I thank the hon Lady for her comments The shadow Chancellor is not here, but neither is the Chancellor, so I am not sure what point she was trying to make in that regard I recognise that a significant amount of money has gone to support valuable organisations such as the one she mentioned, but I hope that she was in no way suggesting that the banks should not be paying attention to their current ways of operating We must ensure that we never again have a situation in which those fines are necessary, so hopefully things will change. Charlie Elphicke Will the hon Lady confirm that the forex and LIBOR scandals took place before this Government were elected, and that it is this Government s regulatory regime that has taken action to deal with them Does she also agree that bonuses tripled in four years under her Government, and that under this Government they are a fifth of what they were Much progress has been made, and she ought to give the Government credit for the work they have done. Cathy Jamieson I will always give credit where it is due, but we also have to look at what has happened on this Government s watch As the hon Gentleman knows, what we have seen with HSBC over the past few weeks shows that it can take a considerable time for some of those issues to come to light and be dealt with The important point is to have a regulatory environment in place that allows those issues to be dealt with quickly, rather than just put to one side We also need a change in culture to ensure that those things do not happen again. Andrew Gwynne Denton and Reddish Lab My hon Friend is making a very important point She will remember that after the LIBOR scandal the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards set out a programme of reform for the banking sector Is she as concerned as I am that those reforms have not gone nearly far enough in their implementation We need a proper investment bank and proper competition in banking, and we must also ensure lending to businesses. Cathy Jamieson My hon Friend makes a useful point I am confident that he has read the paper we published on that, which highlights the need to ensure that finance gets to small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, and the important role that a proper British investment bank can play. Earlier this month we saw a new and startling example of impropriety, with the allegations that HSBC s Swiss subsidiary actively advised customers on how to avoid, and indeed evade, tax I want to emphasis again that all thos e activities are symptoms of a wider culture that has seeped from investment to retail banking That culture has been characterised by short-termism and the pursuit of profit at the expense of all else in many cases, at the expense of the banks own customers and the wider economy That culture led to banks exploiting their consumers and ripping off the taxpayer.25 Feb 2015 Column 338.That culture has also caused banks to lose sight of what should be their core function The role of our high street banks is, or should be, twofold they must serve the needs of consumers, providing basic borrowing and saving facilities and loans for mortgages to buy homes and they must provide finance to businesses, as my hon Friend the Member for Denton and Reddish Andrew Gwynne suggested, enabling them to start up, grow and create well-paid and secure jobs However, lending to business has fallen by over 55 billion since 2010, despite an array of Government schemes, such as Project Merlin and the funding for lending scheme, all of which have to varying degrees failed to deliver Despite that, however, and despite all the scandals, the banks have continued to pay lavish bonuses to a small cohort of senior employees. Mark Garnier The hon Lady is being very generous in giving way She says that business lending is not quite what it was in the old days, but is it not fair to say that business lending in the old days was incredibly irrational and irresponsible, and that that led to the financial crisis that brought the banks down We want the banks to lend, but we do not want them to lend irresponsibly and create another crisis. Cathy Jamieson I do not think that anyone is suggesting that we want irresponsible lending We want those businesses that are valuable, sustainable and want to grow I am sure that the hon Gentleman has heard from them in his constituency, as I have in mine to be able to access finance That is the important point. Susan Elan Jones Clwyd South Lab My hon Friend is being incredi bly generous in giving way to Conservative Members, and I would like to quote another Conservative, albeit not a Member of this House Kay Swinburne, an MEP for Wales, had this to say on the subject of the court case in Europe that the Government decided to contest with our money. I can tell you there is not a single constituent I have met that actually thinks we were right to have taken that to the courts. She then suggested that bankers could be a little more innovative in getting around the cap That is the real voice of the Conservative party, even if Conservative Members are not expressing it here today. Cathy Jamieson I was planning to say something about the cap later, but my hon Friend has made her point with words that I would have difficulty bettering. Let me return to banks paying lavish bonuses The public are understandably still questioning why, with wage stagnation and the cost of living crisis that they are all facing, senior bankers have continued to reward themselves in that way Let us look at the figures Last year, bonuses at fx were up 10 to 2 4 billion and those at Lloyds were up 8 to 395 million The Royal Bank of Scotland, 79 of which is owned by the taxpayer, announced a bonus pool of 577 million Some may say that that is all well and goo d, because it is just senior bankers enjoying the hard-earned fruits of their labour, but that is more difficult to justify in the light of recent scandals and given that two of the UK s four largest banks fx and RBS have experienced drastic falls in profits Earlier this week, with impeccable timing, of course, HSBC announced its bonus pool for.25 Feb 2015 Column 339.the year, awarding its chief executive, Stuart Gulliver, 7 6 million I repeat, 7 6 million and paying 330 of its top employees in excess of 1 million, despite the revelations of recent weeks and a 17 fall in profits. It would be remiss of me not to refer to the role that the Government have played in all this As well as the failure of their schemes to galvanise lending, they have failed this point was made my hon Friend the Member for Denton and Reddish to implement all the reforms recommended by the Independent Commission on Banking and the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards They ignored Labour s pleas for action to regulate benchmarks when the LIBOR scandal first came to light, and they have actively aided and abetted bankers efforts to safeguard their bonuses As my hon Friend the Member for Clwyd South Susan Elan Jones pointed out, the Chancellor launched an ill-fated and misguided legal challenge to the EU bonus cap, which limits bonuses to 100 of fixed pay or 200 with shareholder approval, which still seems fairly generous. Mark Garnier What troubles me about a lot of what the hon Lady is saying is that she is confusing how much bankers have been paid with how one goes about paying them While many of us would agree that having pay packages of millions of pounds is an issue in itself, it is not to do with bonuses She will probably propose in due course that bonuses should be clawed back over a period of 10 years, which I recommended as a member of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, so I agree with her entirely about that However, capping bonuses reduces the amount of m oney that can be clawed back In fact, if one pays a banker 1, 90p should be paid as a bonus, because then there will be more to claw back and therefore more sway over that banker to encourage them to behave better. Cathy Jamieson I thank the hon Gentleman for that intervention I know that he made those points during the work that he did I am glad to hear that he agrees with us on some of this, and I will deal with a number of his points later. We still have to look at the actions of this Government in taking on the legal challenge to the EU bonus cap, however I am sure that the hon Gentleman does not suggest for a moment that that was a sensible thing to do I do not think that the public saw it in that way. Charlie Elphicke Will the hon Lady give way. Cathy Jamieson No, I want to finish this point. As I said, it seemed that the scenario proposed was still fairly generous, but it was obviously not generous enough for the Chancellor, who decided to take legal action The quest ended in failure after he meekly admitted defeat at the hands of the EU s lawyers, but not before he had wasted thousands of pounds of taxpayers money in legal fees Let us remember that this Chancellor will not devote himself to ensuring that tax avoiders and evaders are brought to book, when the first thing that he does is to challenge something of that sort, but he will devote himself to defending the right of bankers to receive high bonuses, while spending taxpayers money as he does so.25 Feb 2015 Column 340.The Chancellor has been a diligent defender of bankers on the home front, too Last year he had to be pressurised by Labour and others into refusing to give taxpayer-owned RBS the shareholder permission it needed to breach the cap and to pay bonuses of 200 of salary, and he still has serious questions to answer on HSBC Over recent weeks, he has done his best not to answer them and has sent his Treasury Ministers out to do the talking for him On Monday, he finally put in an appearance, yet he did not have any answers at all, so we need to keep asking the same questions Did he discuss allegations of tax evasion at HSBC with Lord Green before Lord Green was made a Tory Minister why has only one person been prosecuted out of 1,100 names and why has he signed a deal with Switzerland that could prevent HMRC from getting its hands on similar information in future He has been Chancellor for nearly five years and this is his responsibility He needs to start taking his responsibilities seriously If he does not, people are going to draw their own conclusions. Let me move on to Labour s reforms It has been clear since this Government took office that they do not have the stomach for the serious reforms that we need As our motion explains, a Labour Government will do things very differently Our starting point, as I outlined, will be trust and fairness We believe that banks should serve the needs of their customers and the economy, and that bonuses should be a reward for exceptional perform ance, not a compensation for failure. Cathy Jamieson I will, in the hope that the hon Gentleman is going to agree with my last point. Guy Opperman I do agree that there is a need for greater competition Let me ask the hon Lady this question again why did she troop through the Lobby I presume that she did so with the rest of her colleagues to vote against the provisions on greater competition in the Financial Services Act 2012.Cathy Jamieson As I said to the hon Gentleman earlier, perhaps he would like to take some time to read the report that we produced last week, which shows that we need to make several changes to ensure that there is greater competition I do not see anything inconsistent in that and I hope that he will choose to read the report. I want to return to the point that bonuses should be a reward for exceptional performance, not a compensation for failure. Cathy Jamieson I want to finish my point I have been very generous and time is moving on. David Mowat Warrington South Con Will the hon Lady give way just on this point. Cathy Jamieson No, I am going to finish the point that I began. Theresa May prepares to play tough. Theresa May s Lancaster House speech sought to answer the question does the Government have a plan for Brexit Open Europe s judgement is that she succeeded And she also started to set out a wider vision for the UK s relationship with the EU, linking it both to Britain s place in the world, and to her own domestic vision for the sort of country we want to be. At first sight the Prime Minister s 12-point plan for a global Britain seems to be a masterclass in common sense We welcome her clarity on various points, including that inevitably both Houses of Parliament will vote on the UK s final deal with the EU Open Europe was pleased by her position on free trade and immigration which appeared sensible and constructive. We now know for certain that Britain will be leaving the Single Market and will be outside of the substantive elements of the Customs Union including the Common External Tariff and Common Commercial Policy Britain will be able to make its own trade deals, including the one with the United States which the president-elect offered this week Theresa May also in echoes of language used by the Leave Campaign ruled out adopting any off-the-shelf model of associate EU membership We will not be like Norway, Iceland or indeed Albania. The tone of the Prime Minister s language was well-judged and this speech offered a wider vision for the UK-EU relationship She had summoned European ambassadors to Lancaster House and took questions from Le Figaro and El Pais Her positive and constructive language for example, regarding a new strategic partnership based on trade and security ought to be welcome on the Continent. She recognised, rather than challenged, the position of EU leaders including most significantly Angela Merkel that the four freedoms of the single market are indivisible Theresa May s message perhaps implicitly contra Tr ump was that Britain does not want a greater unravelling of the EU and that it is in our national interest for the EU to succeed She committed Britain to being a reliable partner Her explanation of June s vote focused more on Britain s distinctiveness than the EU s inflexibility. Yet the Prime Minister also brought a stick as well as a carrot She expanded points made by the Chancellor in his Welt am Sonntag interview, and by Mark Carney in front of the Treasury Select Committee, that the UK was crucially important to the EU and Britain could play hard ball if required. Trade is, of course, not a zero-sum game and Theresa May rightly appealed to economic rationality Open Europe agrees that no deal for Britain would be preferable to a poor deal The Prime Minister argued that she did not expect the EU to commit the calamitous self-harm of seeking to punish Britain But, in so doing, she underscored that she knows well the desire of some in Brussels and beyond to do just that. As James Forsyth has predicted the Prime Minister both detailed the importance of Britain s outstanding intelligence services in protecting European lives and reminded her audience that British troops are stationed in Europe including in Poland and Estonia Although she was not as crass as to make them explicit bargaining chips, their importance was made clear She also touted the strength of UK universities and our science and innovation, as well as our global reach including through our UN Security Council permanent membership, expressing a desire to work together more on security issues with the EU. Theresa May said that Britain will remain a magnet for international talent and presented the benefits of immigration for travel, study and work Nonetheless the Prime Minister was explicitly clear that Britain will control immigration from the EU Here the devil will be in the detail. Other points were well-handled the Prime Minister promised to prioritise resolving the status of EU nationals in the UK, call ing this right and fair Another priority will be maintaining a common travel area with the Republic of Ireland And, with the background of a political crisis at Stormont and continued rumblings from the SNP, there was careful language on preserving the union Theresa May s acknowledgement of the referendum s divisiveness was wise Downing Street also showed its deft media skills by pre-briefing the possibility of a currency dip ensuring that either they had predicted any fall in the pound or that the forex markets would be pleasantly surprised. While the Prime Minister s clarity today was welcome and went about as far as we could have hoped at this stage Open Europe suspects that we may not receive significant further details of the Government s thinking for some time it was not her job, she told us, to fill column inches Many questions remain unanswered Briefings today suggest that there will not be a Brexit white paper and Theresa May developed her no running commentary position by argu ing that it was not in the national interest for her, or her ministers, to reveal much more about which cards the Government plans to play. The UK s objectives are now clearer the best possible comprehensive UK-EU free-trade agreement, as well as a new strategic partnership with horizontal cooperation on issues such as security and law-enforcement, as well as foreign policy and defence, and a couture deal on customs preserving some common standards but allowing the UK to strike independent trade deals By acknowledging the importance of phasing Brexit to protect business from cliff edges, and focusing on ends rather than means, Theresa May is giving herself sensible flexibility and wiggle room Negotiations as she presciently said require compromise We will see how EU leaders, as well as governments and opposition figures across Europe, respond. Stephen Booth is Acting Director and Director of Policy and Research at Open Europe. Subscribe to The Spectator today for a quality of argument not found in any other publication Get more Spectator for less just 12 for 12 issues. Forgot Password. Please check your email. 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